Scott POV

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I knew my plan was going to work when Mitch texted me about Taylor. I was excited, and then everything was forgotten when Mitch and I were texting each other with endearing terms. I then freaked out, and I was really happy.

And then, I remembered a missing piece to our pentagon.

Beyoncehoying: Hey, Kevin, have you texted Taylor yet?

Kolusola: Yes, she's really nice! I like her a lot.

Beyoncehoying: As a friend?

Kolusola: yes

Beyoncehoying: Good boy

Kolusola: I ain't no dog, Hoying!

I laughed, I liked Kevin. He was a good FRIEND. I still liked Mitch.

Beyoncehoying: Do u know why I needed you to be friends with her?

Kolusola: No, why?

Beyoncehoying: So the five of us could be friends.

Kolusola: me, you, mitch, avi and taylor?

Beyoncehoying: yeah

Kolusola: Cool. I like all of them a lot.

Beyoncehoying: including me?

Kolusola: Including you. :)

Beyoncehoying: Stop flirting ;)


I was surprised that Mitch did that. We're so similar, we're meant for each other!

Beyoncehoying: Do you know why that is?

Kolusola: um why

Beyoncehoying: It's cause we both like you.

Beyoncehoying: jk

Kolusola: lmao i was worried for a sec

Beyoncehoying: nah, we like other people.

Kolusola: Yeah, each other.

I would've agreed with that statement, but unfortunately, Mitch didn't like me.

Beyoncehoying: Mitch doesn't like me.

Kolusola: mmmmm hmmmmm

Beyoncehoying: what do you know, ko?

Kolusola left the chat

I closed my computer. Damn it, Kevin.

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