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We all gasped, and stepped back. I grabbed Scott's arm to lift him to see what had just appeared on the screen. A green line, but one that moved. It was a slow heartbeat, and gentle. However, it was still there.

Kevin shrieked and immediately started to grin. He was clearly overjoyed. I was happy too, but both of our emotions were drowned out by Scott's sudden yelling.

"You told me he was dead!" He screamed at the doctors, still sobbing. "I thought that I had lost him. You said I had lost him." He stood up and launched himself at what seemed to be the head doctor. I had to hold him back, and Kevin rushed over to help me restrain our best friend.
"I-I'm sorry sir, we really did think he was dead-" The doctor tried to reason.
"And so did I! But he's not.. He's not dead. He's still here." Scott started to calm down. "I'll be able to talk to him. He's not dead. He's not dead." He started to maniacally laugh. Kevin and I loosened our grips on him as he started to move towards Mitch.
Scott raised his hand and stroked Mitch's cheek gently before giving it a kiss.
"I nearly lost you."
Scott turned around to face Kevin and me and he extended his arms offering a hug. We both moved in, and he held us tightly. We stayed like that for a while before leaving the room, knowing that the doctors needed time to help Mitch more.
We sat in the waiting room in silence for a few minutes before Kevin spoke up.
"You guys,"He started, "We missed the concert."
I rolled my eyes. Trust Kevin to always worry about the smaller things, especially when it came to Kirstin's music.
"That's fine. We could get tickets elsewhere, like when she goes to Austin." Scott suggested.
"When is her Austin show?" I asked.
"Um, I think in three days." Scott replied.
"Kevin and I both fly back home in two days."
Scott slapped his forehead.
"Great." He complained, "What are we going to do?"
"I can move my flight, or just refund it entirely." Kevin offered.
"Me too, I think. One sec." I paused to check on my tickets. There was a refund policy.
"Okay, yeah. I can refund my tickets."
"You guys can stay at my place until we have to drive out to Austin." Scott offered.
"Thank you so much!" Kevin and I both thanked him.
We sat in silence for a bit more before Kevin broke the silence again.
"I can't wait to see her in concert!" He exclaimed before squealing. I could tell that he had been holding that in for a while.
Scott and I laughed, all of us trying to forget the worry we all had. The worry and panic had been soothed by the moving green line, but it was still in the back of our minds.
I really hope he's okay.
Those were the thoughts in my mind, and based off of my best friend's faces, their heads were filled with the same thought.

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