Kirstin POV

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All I can say is, I forgot. I don't know how, but this story means a lot to me, and I have no idea how I forgot about it. I promise to update more.

taylor_k: I miss you guys. Tour has been fun, but I wish you could see me!!

beyoncehoying: us too! We love you, kirst

I smiled at Scott's message. I missed him; I missed all of them. I wasn't lying when I said that I missed them, but honestly your wasn't that fun.

I was grateful for my fans, and I loved them, don't get me wrong. But they still had no idea who I was, and I was really lonely. I hadn't texted my friends in a couple days, and it was honestly torture.
I had no idea how dependent on them I had become.

kolusola: Where are you going now? What's your next destination?

taylor_k: Austin!! I'm so excited, it's tonight!

BassCannonKaplan: me too!
BassCannonKaplan: um, for you

taylor_k: thanks lol

Avi was actin kinda weird, but I didn't really question it. We all had our weird days.

"Kirstin!" I heard my mom's call.
"Yeah?!" I asked.
"Come here and sign these last VIP posters! They're not going to sign themselves, and we can't forge your signature."
I sighed.

taylor_k: I have to go, ttyl

kolusola: bye, love you

beyoncehoying: 💗

Two hours later

My hand was throbbing as I finished the last poster, and let out a sigh. I desperately needed company on this tour; friends. It would have been the dream to have my friends accompany me on the tour.

"Kirstin, why do you look sad? If the fans see you, they'll start worrying! We can have that." My mom told me.
"Mom, I'm lonely."
She looked at me, and seemed disgusted. "You're never alone. We're always with you! Ungrateful." She commented before walking away to talk to some crew members.
I closed my eyes, trying to imagine life before fame. Before my mom was so distant, and when I was just a normal kid.

Nothing came to mind.

Two hours later

"Ms. Maldonado, are you ready to go onstage?" A young crew member asked me.
"Yes. And call me Kirstie." I smiled at him. An idea came to my head. "You play an instrument, kid?" I asked.

I was in the wings when I heard the intro to "Naked", and walked onstage. It was pitch black. Then, I was silhouetted. I danced to the beat on the beginning chords before turning around and singing.

A few songs in, and there was still just one thing on my mind. My friends.

"So everyone, I'm changing things up a bit for today's show."
I glanced offstage, and looked at the horrified expression on my mom's face. It made me grin.
I moved the microphone away from my face. "Hey, crew boy! Now's your time." He rushed out onstage, carrying two stools, before rushing to get his guitar.

"Pull out your cameras, and post this so that my friends will see. This is for four people who aren't here today, but mean the absolute world to me."

"Send me your location
Let's focus on communicatin' 'cause
I just need the time and place to come through"

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