Scott POV

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After Avi hung up, I had eaten dinner. Nothing was particularly interesting, and I went to sleep afterwards. When I woke up in the morning, I knew that this weekend was going to be one for socializing. On the internet.

(I'm skipping over the texts with Kirstie because they're already in her chapter)

I left the conversation, even though my parents weren't actually calling. I wanted Taylor and Mitch to meet. I hoped they could be friends, and then us three could be close friends, like a little trio! I loved the idea. And, Avi and Kevin would be friends, and friends with us. I then had an amazing idea. I decided to hold on my idea until Mitch and Taylor could talk. I was excited for what was to come in the future. In the meantime, I created a group chat with Avi and Kevin.

New group name: Boys

Beyoncehoying: Hey guys i know we're all friends so i thought this would be a good groupchat.

Kolusola: shouldn't mitch be on this chat?

Beyoncehoying: nah, he can have a girls group with taylor and I. I'll be in both groups haha

Kolusola: Who's taylor?

Beyoncehoying: Oh, avi didn't tell you? It's the girl he likes. She is now my friend, and hopefully mitch's too soon. She's nice, and funny, and sweet.

Kolusola: cool, u sure ur not the one who likes her?

Was he serious?

Beyoncehoying: Um, no why?

Kolusola: You're just listing a bunch of nice things about her.

Beyoncehoying: We're just friends, I swear. Plus, I like Mitch.

I had not thought when I sent that text. I stood up off of my bed and paced for a few seconds nervously before looking at Kevin's reply. Only Avi and Mitch knew that i liked, well, men. And only Avi knew i liked Mitch. What if Kevin was like, super homophobic or something?


Kolusola: Oh really? Nice dude! I ship it

Beyoncehoying: me too lol

Kolusola: lol

Beyoncehoying: You should talk with Taylor, you'd like her. Hopefully as a friend, bc she's avi's.

BassCannonKaplan: Yeah, she is. Don't tell her though haha

I laughed. Perfect time to join the conversation, Avi.


This is really short, and I would put it with the next chapter, but the next chapter is really long. So I won't. 

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