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"And the role of Calaf will be played by..."

I held my breath as the casting director for our school opera said who would play the leading male role in Turandot. I had practiced many hours, auditioned nearly flawlessly, and I knew that I would be Calaf. I wasn't cast in the minor roles, and this was the only one left. I was ready.

"Jeremy Lewis!"

What?! Not only was I better, and older than that Jeremy boy, that meant that I wasn't cast at all. There were no more roles left.

After the opera club meeting, I ran after the teacher.

"Mr. Jose, I wasn't cast," I said, walking fast as he would not slow down.

He suddenly stopped and pivoted to look at me.

"I know. There are only so many roles available, Avriel."

I paused. Only so many roles? What did he mean?! I was better than everybody in that stupid club. He took advantage of my hesitation and walked away from me. I was left standing there, looking like an idiot.

I turned my attention to the rest of the students. They were all surrounding Jeremy, congratulating him. Goddamnit Jeremy!

The rest of the school day was a boring blur. All I could think about was how Jeremy had gotten the role. I walked home. When I arrived, my mom was gone.

"Hey, it's just me Avi." I greeted my sister halfheartedly.

"Hey loser," she teased, "How was casting?" I glared at her. "Oh, that bad?" she asked, surprised. I guess I wasn't the only one expecting to be satisfied with the casting.

She didn't really do anything wrong, but I was pissed. "How's your boyfriend?" I asked with an evil grin, "Oh right, you don't have one." I turned away and walked into my bedroom without looking or listening for a response from her.

I was definitely not doing my homework, but I normally didn't. I sat down at my desk and opened my computer and decided to find somebody to vent to. I looked for people that shared my interest in the "Singing, Music" area.

New user: Taylor Kaplan

Huh, a new profile. She had the same last name as me. Maybe we were related. She didn't have a picture of herself set as her profile picture, but instead a cute white husky. I decided that was a good sign, and I messaged her.

BassCannonKaplan: Hey, I'm Avi. Just wanted to make a friend :)

I left my desk and fell onto my bed. I hoped she would message me. I was already bored, and it had only been a couple minutes.

I fell asleep before looking back at my computer a few hours later. I saw the few words that honestly gave me a mini heart attack.

One new message.


This is kind of short, but all of my chapters are somewhat short.

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