1. Laugh

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"Oh God she's pathetic." Chaeyoung face palmed while watching her friend dance ridiculously on top of their table in the cafeteria.

Everyone was laughing at her funny stunt.

"Lisa please stop it already and save your tiny piece of dignity that is still left for you." said Chaeyoung while grabbing Lisa's legs to go back in her seat.

She's so embarrassed for her friend's actions. But the younger one ignored her pleads and continued her dancing.

"Lisa, I swear if you don't get your ass back in this seat I won't talk to you ever again." threatened Chaeyoung to Lisa, in which surprisingly worked. Lisa immediately got back down and settled to her seat as soon as she heard how serious Chaeyoung was.

"what the eff Lisa. Stop embarrassing me. It's our last year in middle school please let me live just for one year."

"Oh, you know why doing this baby chipmunk." says Lisa who's dreamily staring at someone. "I wanna make Jennie unnie laugh. i love seeing her laugh and smile."

"By embarrassing your self in front of the whole school?"

"I don't care. As long as I make her smile."

"You're so pathetic." said chaeng with so much disbelief. "Why don't you just talk to her?"

"I don't know what to sa-" Lisa shifted her gazed back to Chaeyoung and stopped staring at Jennie

"Hey! what happened to you?" asked Chaeng to Lisa who was shocked and suddenly stiffened.

"Jennie unnie caught me staring at her!" whispered Lisa who was already screaming inside. Her heart beats so fast, she thought she's going to die when their eyes met. "Ohmygod. My little gay heart is not ready for this." she dramatically put her fist to her chest as if she's having a heart attack.

"oh god. why am I even friends with you?" said Chaeyoung while rolling her eyes. " You have to talk to Jennie unnie today so you could stop embarrassing me."

"but how?" Lisa frowned.

"Go to her table and initiate a convo. As easy as that."

"It's not! I don't want to!"

"If you don't, I'll be the one to talk to her and say nasty things about you. You wouldn't want that, would you?" once again Chaeng threatened the younger one, just to stop the humiliation she's receiving everyday because of Lisa's acts.

"Okay, okay. You win. I'll talk to her after school." Lisa sighed.


"Go on, Lisa." said chaeyoung as they were walking through the crowdy hallway after their class.

"Chaeng , is this really necessary? Please forgive me, I won't embarrass you anymore." Lisa pleaded, but the latter just shook her head.


"Jennie unnie! there's something i wanna te-" Lisa immediately covered Chaeyoung's mouth. Good thing Jennie couldn't hear them as she's wearing earphones.

"Okay, okay. Fine." Lisa sighed for the nth time then she walked through the lockers to approach Jennie.

"H-Hi." said Lisa nervously. She could feel her heart drop any second now.

Jennie was still listening to some music when she noticed the blonde girl in her peripheral view.

"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" she asked, pointing to herself after removing her earphones.

"Y-Yes." the blonde smiled awkwardly while facing sideways.

"Oh. You're Chaeyoung's funny friend right?"

"Y-Yes!" Jennie's description to Lisa as 'funny' made the younger one blush. Seconds after, she managed to comprehend what the brunette said.

"You know her unnie?"

"Everybody knows her, and you too. Lisa, right?"

Lisa internally fainted when she heard her name came from Jennie's mouth. She never liked her own name, until now.

"Y-Yes! I'm Lisa Manoban!" she bowed as a sign of respect, and also to cover her tomato-like face.

"btw. what can I help you?" Jennie smiled, which in Lisa's case, didn't help. She was so mesmerized by Jennie's smile that it took her few awkward seconds before answering.

"Unnie p-please be my f-friend!" she bowed again to show her sincerity.

Jennie chuckled because of Lisa's cute actions. Which made Lisa stiff after hearing it.

"Sure." the older one smiled "Well, I'm gonna go now."

"Can I walk you h-home?" Lisa didn't know where her courage came from. But she's glad she did blurt those words out.

"Sure." once again Jennie showed the smile that could be the cause of Lisa's death.

Silence. Awkward.

Awkward silence has been creeping between them while walking on their way home.

Lisa had an idea, in which she can finally use now all the information she has gathered from stalking Jennie for the past years. She knows a lot about her from her favorite color to her favorite ice cream flavor. She decided to use this info now to show off and break this awkward silence.

"Say, unnie do you wanna grab some milk ice cream? " this caught Jennie's attention and made her curve her lips. "My treat." which made Jennie's smile grow bigger.

"Sure! I'd love to!" she said like an excited 5-year-old girl.

"I knew you would."

"what?" Jennnie heard Lisa murmur something.


They happily went to a near ice cream parlour shop and grabbed themselves a milk flavoured ice cream.

As if eating ice cream while walking made them comfortable and at ease with each other, that the creeping awkwardness between then earlier is nowhere to be found now.

Minutes have passed they talked about random topics and made themselves comfortable with each others company.

"Btw. Why are you always making weird dance steps everywhere? in the hallway, cafeteria tables, in the middle of the gym.." suddenly, asked Jennie out of curiosity

And because Lisa was too comfortable, she replied Jennie's question without hesitation and without even thinking.

"To make you laugh. I love seeing you smile or laugh." she mindlessly said. Seconds after that, she realized what she said. She internally screamed, internally fainted and mentally slapped herself because of her own stupidity. She felt her blood going up to her face. She didn't dare to look at Jennie as she was so embarassed to look at her. She didn't have the chance take a look at Jennie's blushing face.

"I-I love making everyone laugh. Ha. ha. ha.ha." she said, trying to save and redeem herself. Letting out the most awkward and forceful laugh. "I b-believe this is your house unnie. I better get going now." she said running as fast as she can to get away from that awkward scene.

"How did she know that this is my house?" Jennie asked to her self while still blushing because of Lisa's words.


I made this story first on asianfanfics and decided to post it here too.

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