21. Girlfriend

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For days, Lisa would always avoid Jennie just like before. It was always like that.

But Lisa doesn't forget her obligation as her girlfriend. Even though she avoids her, she still makes sure that Jennie gets home safe by secretly following her.

Jennie, on the other hand, badly wants to talk to Lisa but she couldn't since the latter is like a mice who'd hide immediately when she saw her approaching. So she just let her.

Jennie stopped approaching Lisa because she didn't want to get her to feel uncomfortable.

Thursday, Jennie went to the library to get some books for her research before going home.

And as usual, Lisa was following Jennie to make sure she's safe. She was not planning on talking to Jennie since she still hadn't gathered enough courage to talk to her.

Jennie's reaching for a certain book on the top shelf, but her height just wouldn't let her.

It was too high.

She tiptoed once again to try to reach it, while her other hand was resting on the shelf to support herself.

She tried but then, she felt someone's body heat behind her.

Someone reached the book she was trying to get.

She turned around and was shocked by that person. And she was more shocked because she and that person are literally inches away from kissing.

Jennie's eyes landed on a pair of beautiful brown eyes.

Then her eyes scanned her face until she was stunned because of those plump lips. It was like a magnet attracting her to get closer, and she did.

She leaned closer and closer.

Their breath brushing to each other's face.

Lisa was so tempted to kiss Jennie as their distance was becoming closer and closer, but she backed away as she felt the position was a little uncomfortable, and thinking that Jennie might not like it if she kissed her.

"I.. Ugh... here." Lisa said and hands the book to Jennie.

Jennie is a blushing mess.

'That was close.' she thought while her heart was beating so loud, she could even hear it.

"T-Thanks.." She grabbed the book out of Lisa's hand then walked out fast.

After borrowing the books, Jennie immediately stormed out of the library.

And because of her fast pace, she stumbled to someone, and her books fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry! I was kind of in a hurry." She apologized to the person then picked up her books without looking at them.

"Hahaha. What's with the rush miss?" said the guy Jennie bumped into while helping her get her books. He even purposely brushed his hands on Jennie which didn't slip out of Lisa's sight, who was just behind Jennie because the younger was still tailing her.

Lisa clenched her fists as she didn't like what she just witnessed.

'Nah dude. You did not just touch my girl.' She thought while still fighting the urge to drag Jennie.

She even saw the guy eye at Jennie's body like a pervert.

When the two finally picked up Jennie's things, they stood up and she apologized to the man once again.

"I'm sorry for my clumsiness."

The guy smirked. "No. It's okay, really." he said then he lifted his hand to supposedly caress Jennie's bare arm for assurance but before he could even do it, someone got in-between them and shoved the man's hand away.

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