22. I Love You

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Chapter 22:

Lisa's POV

I woke up and my right arm felt kinda numb.

I looked at my right side and saw Jennie peacefully sleeping on my shoulder while hugging my waist.

My heart felt warm with the sight.

Waking up with the person you love sleeping beside you is the best feeling ever.

I traced her features with my finger and I just couldn't help but admire her more. She flinched and scrunched her nose when I caressed her cheek. Hahaha. So cute.

I watched her sleep for almost half an hour, and then decided to get up.

It was hard to sneak out from her tight embrace, but I still managed to get out without waking her up.

I washed my face and went to the kitchen to see if there was anything I could cook.

I decided to make an omelette. I actually don't know how to make it but I'll try.

I managed to somehow make a presentable omelet and I'm surprised it doesn't taste that bad too.

I cleaned the mess that I made in the kitchen and went to our room and brought the food to check her out.

I sat at the bedside and left the tray on the study table.

She's still sleeping while hugging the teddy bear I gave her before.

I was in awe.

Even though this girl forgot about me, she still managed to treasure the things I gave her before. She even wears the necklace I gave her everyday.

I feel emotional.

I felt a tear come out from my eyes, and I just let it be.

I love her so much but all it cost was hurting her.

Now I don't know how to tell her about our past.

It was me who caused her all this.

I'm the reason why she lost her father.

If I tell her the truth about our past.

She might get mad at me.

She might leave me.

She might push me away.

And I'm scared of that.

I'm afraid of hurting her even more.

I broke down. I couldn't stop my tears from falling down my cheeks.

It hurts me to see her suffer.

I caressed her face while crying non-stop.

“I'm sorry..” I mumbled.

She flinched and I saw her open her eyes so I immediately looked away to wipe my tears.

I composed myself and faced her with a smile.

“Good morning, sleepyhead.” I said while smiling.

She looked at me as if she's scanning my face.

“Morning.” She said in a husky voice and then smiled.

I swear her morning voice is so sexy.

Damn I need to clear my thoughts.

I got up and went to the study table to get the tray.

“Baby, sit up. I made you a breakfast.”

She obliged then I put the tray on her lap.

“You don't really have to be this extra.” She chuckled.

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