10. Help

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Jennie's POV

I'm now packing my things to go back to where I lived before.

I hope this decision I made will give my questions an answer. I hope it'll fill the missing piece inside me. I don't have any plans when I get there, but I hope it'll change something in my lonely life.

I heard a knock on my door then I heard the door opened. I looked up and I saw my aunt with a comforting smile.

"Are you sure with this, sweetie?" she asked then joined me folding my clothes.

"Yes auntie."

"Can you make me a promise?" she suddenly asked.

"What is it?"

"Can you make new friends in your school?"

I didn't respond. I just stared at my black luggage. I don't know if I can make that promise since my brain just won't let me. I built my guards up to protect myself. I isolated myself so that I wouldn't unintentionally hurt someone. That's how I even got my infamous nick-name as a 'cold-hearted bitch'.

"You know, you don't have to push everyone who wants to befriend you, right? If they really are your friend, they'll understand your situation."

"But I don't want to hurt anyone auntie. That's why I'm being distant to everyone. For a week we'll form a memorable bond and then by next week I'll remember nothing. I'm sure they'll understand but it'll hurt them. I dont wanna be a burden either. They'll have to earn my trust every week which in my opinion in some point will tire them. And just think about what I feel about that. I'll feel useless and dumb, knowing that I missed some memorable moments in my life"

I'm just glad that family is an exception in my useless brain. I'm happy that I can remember every second I spent in this family.

"I know sweetie. But right friends will never get tired of reminding you who they are to you. Right people will understand your situation if they love you enough. So loosen up and find the the right ones who'll stay by your side and remind you of everything."

Find the right ones, huh? What if I don't find them, will I be forever lonely?

My aunt's words are the only thing that I've thinking for hours of travel. I decided to shrug it off then got my teddy bear from my transparent bag and slept.

Lisa's POV

I got accepted in a well-known university located in the next city. Thanks to the dance competition we won last year that I was also granted a scholarship.

I'm now packing my things in the boxes to move to the universty when I heard someone knock my door

"Come in!"

I saw my mom coming in with tupperwares.

"I know you suck at cooking that's why we made you some ready to eat healthy foods. These are good for two weeks" said my mom while putting the tupperwares in a huge paperbag.

I'm so lucky to have them. I think they are the most supportive and caring parents ever. They support every decision I make. They were by my side when I was crying about Jennie's disappearance. They gave me advice when I don't know what else to do.

"Aaaww. Thanks mom." I got up and hugged her.

"Take care of yourself there. Whatever problem that'll come in your way, always remember that your mom and I will always be here for you." I heard her cry while saying those words. I hugged her tighter to make her feel all the love that I have for them.

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