25. Vacation

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Chapter 25

Monday morning came, Lisa made sure that she woke up before Jennie did to avoid chaos and to prepare their things, since today is the day their sembreak starts, and thus, the two will spend their first two weeks in Lisa's parents’ house.

After settling all of their things in her car trunk, she made some breakfast for the two of them. She got so used to cooking every Monday morning for Jennie that she asked Chaeyoung to teach her cook some other meals than fried bacon and eggs.

She made pancakes and went to the living room to watch cartoons after cooking.

Minutes later, she saw Jennie walking to her direction. She sat besides her and they awkwardly stared at each other.

Lisa smiled, as this scenario was too familiar to her. Jennie feels awkward with her every Monday so she makes ways to put herself at ease.

“Hi miss. I'm Lisa Manoban. Nice to meet you.” She offered her hand for a handshake and smiled sheepishly.

Jennie took it and chuckled a bit.

“So you're my girlfriend? Nice to meet you then.”

“Woah.. Calm down Missy. We just met few seconds ago and now you're claiming me as your girlfriend? Sleek, eh? I'm not complaining though.” She winked while grinning toothily.

Jennie bursted out laughing while holding her stomach.

‘Aassa!! Nice one Manoban. You already got one point.’ She thought while mentally patting her back.

“Oh. We need to leave this morning so get yourself ready. But before that, let’s eat breakfast. Come on, I made some pancakes.” Lisa informed her, then stood up and offered her hand with a smile.

The older responded with a nod and willingly took her hand.

They travelled. Lisa was constantly stealing glances of Jennie while on the steering wheel, she'd smile every time she saw Jennie's side profile.

“What?” Suddenly asks the smaller girl while Kuma and Leo were silently sleeping on her lap

“What what?”

“You keep looking at me. Is there something you wanna say?” Jennie said which made the other smile.

“It’s just that, I forgot to say my daily morning ‘I love you’s’ to you.” She said while smiling and her eyes fixed on the road.

“I love you, Jennie.”

Jennie had read about this in her diary. About Lisa being vocal about her love almost every hour, but still, it caught her off guard, hearing it come from the younger’s mouth.

The words made her feel warm. Made her feel fuzzy. All in all, it felt nice. Those three words soothed her ears.

And before she knew it, she was already returning the words back, unconsciously. “I love you too.” And because of that, Lisa suddenly stepped on the break and temporarily parked the car on the side road.

“This is another record!!” She happily exclaimed. While Jennie was just puzzled.


Lisa glanced at her watch.

“Three hours and ten minutes. It only took me three hours and ten minutes to make you say it. To say that you love me too! That's the fastest I've ever recorded. The last one was twenty-three hours.” Excitement and happiness was evident in her glittering eyes and wide smile.

Jennie silently giggled as she found it cute.


“Here we are.” Lisa pulled over the porch. Jennie looked up and saw a warm fuzzy two-story house, which almost reminded her of their house in New Zealand.

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