2. Psychic

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"HAHAAHAHAHA" Chaeyoung bursted out laughing in the other line after hearing her bestfriend's story.
"OMG. Lisa the level of stupidity you posses is sometimes unbelievable." she can't control herself from laughing.
"Thank you for the compliment Chaeng." Lisa said sarcastically while endlessly rolling her eyes.
"You're welcome Lisa. pffft- HAHAHAHAHA." Once again, she burst into laughter while imagining her friend in that awkward scene.
"Okay pffft-. okay. sorry." said Chaeyoung while trying to calm herself.

"I'm literally dying in here. I don't know what to do now. How can I face her tomorrow?" she sighed once again.
'If I'd probably be given a dollar for every sigh i made today. I could probably afford to buy a new friend now, and won't be stuck with this chipmunk.' she thought to herself.

"hey are you listening?" she forgot the person in the other line because of her train of thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said, continue talking to her. She's really nice."

"Yeah. But how?"

"Well, do it your way. Just be yourself and try not to embarrass yourself too much." Chaeyoung chuckled, and with that their conversation ended. Lisa still internally beating herself for what happened earlier before going to sleep.

"Shit, I'm nervous Chaeng." said Lisa. The classes are already done, they're now making their way through the lockers to hopefully see Jennie. Chaeyoung was thankful enough because Lisa didn't do any stupid stunts today.

"Just ask her Lisa. I'm gonna go now, goodluck!" Chaeng pecked her friend a kiss on the cheeks then walked out grinning like a maniac.

Lisa saw the brunette stunningly putting books in her locker.
'How the f*ck can she be this beautiful just by putting bunch of books in her locker? oh god I'm so whipped' she thought.
Lisa made her way to Jennie while her hands are unbelievably shaking. She let out a sigh for the last time as she reached her destination.


"Oh L-Lisa it's you." Jennie let out an awkward smile, still remembered what happened yesterday.

"Unnie, can I walk you h-home?"

"Sure." the older one smiled as she didn't wanna be rude to the blonde girl.

As they were silently walking in the streets, Jennie initiated a convo to kill the silence.

"How come you knew where my house is Lisa?" she asked.

Lisa was sweating so much. She didn't know what to say, She can't possibly say it's because she's stalking her and stealing glances of her ever since they were freshmen right?

"I-I.... I have psychic powers!" obviously, Lisa couldn't find any better answer. She mentally noted to herself to slap herself later because of the embarrassment she caused.

"Pfffft- HAHAHAHA" Jennie bursted out of laughter because of Lisa's stupid answer.

Lisa loved it. She loved how she made Jennie laugh like a crazy person.

"What are you a superhero?" said Jennie, while still laughing.

Lisa rode along with Jennie's joke.

"Yes, not to brag but Superman is my uncle and Captain America is my dad." she said which made Jennie laugh even more.

"Yeah right, and doraemon is your pet."

"H-How did you know?! Are you stalking me?!" Lisa acted as if she was shocked of Jennie's joke.

The two of them shared endless laughter. People around them stared at the two as if they were somewhat crazy.

The two reached Jennie's house while having a good laugh by sharing each other's stories.

"Thank you for accompanying me Lisa." Jennie gave a sweet smile which made Lisa's heart flutter.

"Unnie, c-can I walk you home from now on?" Lisa gathered all her courage to ask this question.

"Sure. but why?"

"I just want to know you better."

"Okay. Thank you again. It's really fun being with you."

"It's my pleasure." Lisa said still plastered a bright smile on her face.

Jennie went in their house with a big smile. She isn't usually like this when going home, but because of Lisa she managed to somehow be genuinely happy.

She walked in the living room just to see a disgusting yet normal sight.

Her father lying in the couch. Empty cans of beers scattered on the floor. Tons of documents sitting in the coffee table.

She just sighed as the sight is just normal to her. As the smile that has been plastered in her face a while ago is nowhere to be seen now.

Her dad is a lawyer, a wonderful lawyer if he's not alcoholic. He's barely home most of the time. He's always at his office working all day, he just comes home when he needs sleep, he wants to drink alone or he needs to change clothes.

Jennie's dad started to act like this when he found out Jennie's mother was cheating on him two years ago. Later they found out her mother died because of a car accident while with her affair.

It broke Jennie's heart, and seeing her dad like this isn't helping. She stayed strong for her and her father. She cries every night before going to bed until one day, her eyes couldn't cry no more.

Jennie just sighed and cleaned her father's mess. She was vacuuming the carpet when her phone beeped

From: Unknown number

Thank you for the time unnie! I'm happy to make you laugh.

Then a new message came

From: Unknown number

This is Lisa by the way. :)

With that simple message, it made Jennie smile like an idiot.

To: Unknown number

Thank you for your time too, Lisa.

On the other hand Lisa was sitting in the couch, stomping her feet and squealing after receiving her unnie's reply.

When suddenly her mom grabbed her phone.

"Mom!!" she screamed

"Honey! Look at your daughter! She has a girlfriend now!"

Her other mother rushed from the kitchen after hearing her wife.

"Really? I thought Lisa's gonna be a loner forever." her two moms chuckled while reading their daughter's convo with Jennie.

Lisa quickly snatched her phone back while blushing.

"Moms! She's not my girlfriend!" she defended.

"Then why are there heart emojis in the her name? Jennie *heart* *heart* *heart*. Who is she then, your teacher?" her other mom said, teasing their daughter.

"No! Jennie unnie is just a f-friend!"

Her moms just laughed at her not believing her appeal and went back to the kitchen to continue cooking.


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