15. Again

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Lisa's POV

"Look..." she said then turned around, now I'm facing her back.

"Just forget about me. And I'll do the same thing with you." she continued then walked away.

I was left dumbfounded.

Why are you doing this, Jennie?

Do you hate me?

I'm just asking if we could be friends.

Nothing more.

But why the hell would you reject me?

I feel like crying.

But I shouldn't because she's here now.

I don't care anymore if she forgot about me.

I don't care about the past.

Now that she's here, I just want her back in my life.

And that's what I'm going to do.

"Don't push me away. You know, I'll come back to you!

Even if you forget everything about my existence!

I always will, Jennie!" I shouted enough for her to hear me because she's now few meters away.

I'm now sure that I don't want to lose her again.

Even if she forgets about my whole being again and again, I'll make sure that I'll be there to make her fall for me all over again.

Maybe moving on isn't the answer.

Maybe forgetting her isn't the best choice.

I just want to be with her again.

And I'll work hard for that just like before.

I want to make her smile.

I want to make her laugh.

I don't care if it'll embarrass the hell out of me just to do those, just like before.

I just want her to know who I am, again.

Jennie's POV

After talking to Lisa, I proceeded to my next class. I walked around like a zombie because I just couldn't process what she said to me.

Was rejecting her really the right thing to do?

Shit. I don't know anymore.

I couldn't focus on my work.

I couldn't even hear any of my professor's lectures.

I admit when Lisa came to 'save' me against those two jerks, I felt some butterflies in my stomach.. I felt so giddy inside. I'm just thankful that I'm good at hiding my expressions.

I felt so safe under her long arms.

Her brown dazzling orbs are the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen.

Damn Jennie, why are you suddenly thinking of these cheesy things? Eeeww.

But the thing is, I'm still confused. Maybe I should consult someone. I'm not really the type of person to ask for anyone's help, because I'm pretty good at handling my problems. But I think that this is different.

I think I need to hear it from someone else's point of view.

So I decided to text Jisoo to meet me after class.

And finally, our professor dismissed us early. I saw Jisoo outside, waiting for me.

"Jendeuk!" she shouted.

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