11. Hide and Seek

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It's been a week since Lisa and Jennie talked. Within those days, Lisa tried to forget about Jennie by giving Mina all her attention. They went on dates, ate together, gave each other company and so on. She also avoided seeing Jennie. Whenever she sees Jennie walking in the corridors, the younger one will shift to different direction just to hide from her.

On the other hand, Jennie was doing the opposite. She's trying to find the blonde girl she talked to the other night because she left her confused with what she said.

"I'm glad to see you again."

Jennie thinks that there's something more about that sentence. There's something about her that might help her because of what the latter said.

She feels remorse not stopping her from leaving that night.

It's the first day of class, Jennie went to her first subject which was chemistry. She went inside the laboratory and students are already seated there. Since it's the first day of class and they won't be conducting experiments, the students are allowed to not wear lab gowns inside.

She saw most of the students eyeing on her while going inside the room and taking a seat. She finds it odd but she was used to it since it's been like that in her old school in New Zealand.

Not long after, their professor came and discussed the introduction about their lessons and some safety precautions they should follow during experiments.

"Okay so throughout the semester we'll be having experiments from time to time. And with those experiments you'll need your own lab partner. So pick your lab partner now and give me your names after."

A lot of men eyed on Jennie, some already stood up to ask her to be their partner, but before they could even do that, Jennie's seatmate tapped her shoulder and said:

"Ppoong! Do you wanna be my partner in crime?" said the girl with the jet-black hair.

Jennie chuckled because of the way she asked her.

"You mean lab partners? Sure, why not?"

And because of that those men who were trying to at least ask her just stayed in their seat, defeated.

"I'm Jennie by the way."

"Hi Jennie by the way. I'm Jisoo. I can say your last name is pretty unique. Huh?"

Jennie let out another chuckle because of her partner's silliness. And thus, throughout the whole discussion, they talked to each other as if they've known each other for years.

On the other side of the campus, there's Lisa walking Mina to her classroom for the sake of being a gentlewoman and because she has nothing else to do since her schedule will just start tomorrow.

"Here's my room. Thank you for escorting me, Lisa." Mina let out another angelic smile that anyone would die for.

"You're welcome. I'll just meet you at lunch in the cafeteria."

Lisa then decided to roam around campus and reminisced what happened to her this week.

She shivered when she remembered those cold stares sucking her soul, but at the same time she wanted to hold her face with her palms again.

Although only cold words came from her mouth, Lisa still wanted to see her famous gummy smile which she fell for.

But she chose not to entertain those thoughts again as she was trying to focus her whole attention to Mina.

Lisa's mind was so confused because of Jennie's acts. If she was really the girl she saw outside the administration office carrying that teddy bear, then why would she forget her when she's the one who gave that.

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