6. Mishaps

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Clear blue sky is what Jennie sees from the window beside her, houses beneath them looks so tiny. The land is filled with green pastures.

Jennie could still feel the endless water falling down her cheeks. She's not crying because of the beautiful scenery she's seeing outside, but because of the overflowing sadness and loneliness she's feeling inside her. It's been more than an hour since they got inside the plane, it's been more than an hour too that she's like this. Staring at the sky while crying and sobbing silently.

The reality hit her that she will never see her one and only happiness. She'll never see how the younger scrunch her nose when she laugh, how she dramatically react over simple matters and how she let out that comforting bright smile that could melt the brunette's heart. She'll also miss the blonde's antics, how she embarrasses her self just to make someone happy. In short, she badly miss Lisa.

It was almost night when they safely landed on the ground. Jennie's dad is driving the vehicle he rented, while Jennie is silently looking at the window. Outside you can see tall buildings and busy people walking in the streets.

She was amazed by the city, as it was new to her sight, but it couldn't keep her from feeling sad. She wish Lisa is with her right now. Lisa was the only thing she could think of. She's curious of what she's doing right now. She assumed the blonde is probably mad at her for leaving her without even saying goodbye. Imagining Lisa being sad, brokenhearted and crying made Jennie tear up once more. She couldn't bare to imagine her happy pill suffer because of her.

"I'll come back Lisa. Please wait for me." she said to herself as if she's talking to Lisa, while looking at the necklace she's wearing.

They were in the middle of of the highway.

When suddenly...

A huge Toyota truck rammed into the driver seat. Their car full of luggage rolled few times, breaking the window glass. The airbag inflated, but it didn't save Jennie from hitting her head on the cement ground. Blood was pouring all over forehead down to her cheek.

Before Jennie was devoured by the darkness, images of Lisa flashed in her mind.

Along with the blood, tears also began to fall on her face before passing out.

Jennie's POV


I see nothing but darkness. For a moment I thought I was dead.

Seconds later.

I could feel pain, both emotional and physical. Well, at least I could feel something. It just means I'm still alive. It's better than being dead.

I tried to adjust myself from all the pain. I feel like my head's going to blow up anytime soon. My head hurts like hell.

I feel so lonely too. My heart feels heavy as if I'm missing something or someone. It hurts more than the pain I'm feeling inside my head. I don't even know why am I feeling like this.

I tried to move a finger. I'm not even sure which finger was I trying to move, but I tried.

When I felt my finger touching a soft cloth, I tried opening my eyes. My eyelids feels so heavy that it took me couple of seconds before opening them.

I saw a light. A blinding bright light. I immediately closed my eyes back.

I heard noises and a person talking but I couldn't comprehend what he or she was saying.

I tried opening my eyes once more, this time I tried to adjust my eyes from the bright light.

I shifted my view to my right side and I saw a woman crying and saying something that I still couldn't quite understand.

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