18. The Party

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Double update. Coz why not? And I feel good because of jenlisa interactions yesterday.


It's already 5 pm and I still haven't decided what should I wear for the party, so I decided to call Chaeyoung.

"Chaengie!! What should I wear?!" I exclaimed immediately as soon as she picked up her phone.

"For God's sake Lisa, you've been asking me what you should whenever you go out ever since we were in high school. Just wear freaking clothes, Lisa."

"It's because I wanna impress Jennie, Chaeng."

"Just wear clothes, Lisa. Wear. Clothes."

"Geez. Thanks for the great help." I sarcastically said while rolling my eyes.

"You're welcome!"

"Useless bitch."

"Yah! Go and soap your dirty mouth! I'll pray for you on Sunday because of this."

"Yeah. I pretty much need it now, thanks."

"I'll hung up now. I'm still doing my makeup. See you later. And don't bother picking us up. My friend's gonna give me a lift."

She then hung up without waiting for my response.

Tsss. I wasn't even thinking of picking them up anyway.

I tossed my phone on my bed then looked at my closet.

And pulled a random outfit.

I wore a black cropped top shirt and topped it with a denim jacket with a pair of black shorts and wore my new Louis Vuitton sneakers.

I just let my hair fall free.

I put enough makeup to cover the little bruise still left on my left cheek.

I looked at myself and I couldn't help but mumble,

"Damn, Lisa. Why are you so hot?" Then I chuckled because of my silliness.

I went out and drove my car to Jennie's place.

I fixed myself before knocking at her unit.

I waited for a minute then opened the door.

She's wearing this black oversize tshirt with Michael Jackson's face printed on it that goes down to her knees.

She's also wearing this black choker that looked really hot on her.

Her brown wavy locks are falling freely with a messy half bun.

And ofcourse she's wearing her favorite silver necklace again.

I was at a loss for words.


Why is she so sexy?

Is this even allowed?

Is this even legal?

I gulped as I continued to stare at her for who knows how long.

She cleared her throat and said,

"Close your mouth, babe. Flies might come in." she mocked my words from yesterday.

So I looked away immediately.

Fuck Jennie Kim.

"S-Shall we go?" I said then offered my arm for her to cling on.

"Sure." She said while smiling then clung her hands around my arm.

I stiffened for a second because of the sudden contact.

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