29. Bridge

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Lisa's POV

Despite being dizzy from the amount of liquor I consumed, I stood up and left the bar.

I didn't care where my feet would take me.

I carelessly crossed the road, and a loud screech woke my senses up.

“Hey! Watch where you're going!” Shouted the man behind the wheels because if he hadn't stopped the car immediately, he might've ran over me now.

Damn. That was close.

But it would’ve been easier for me if he did.

“You should've just ran over me, sir! It'll be my pleasure!” I shouted back while giggling then continued to walk.

I found myself on a bridge.

Below, I can see a calm river.

It's so inviting.

“You deserve to die.”

Bobby’s words spun around my head again.


He's right.

For once he's right.

I held the railings and climbed.

I sat on there and just stared at the water beneath me.

The silent waves calmed me a little. But not enough to wash away some thoughts.

Jennie, I love you.

But all my love caused you is pain and suffering.

Maybe if I'm gone, you will no longer suffer.

You'll probably still hate me when you wake up.

So I'll end this here.  

I let go of my left hand from gripping the railing.

Then the right.

“Lisa!” I heard her voice.

“Funny how I hear your voice clearly at times like this. Maybe it's because of the alcohol,” I said while chuckling with tears flowing down my cheeks.

This is it.

I let go and jumped.

Leaving everything behind.

Without looking back.

But someone's warm hand grasped my arm.

Now I'm hanging.

I looked up just to see my love lit up by sun's bright silhouette, with diamond tears rolling down her cheeks.

I'm not dead.

Am I?

If I am,

Then why am I seeing a living angel?

Is this true?

Am I hallucinating?

Or am I just too drunk?

“Lisa, please don’t do this… don't leave me.. please.. ” she said as she hold my arm with her too cold shivering hands.

A tear from her fell on my face and rolled down to my cheeks along with my own tears.

I gripped to the railing and helped myself to get up.

I was still shocked seeing her, not believing that she's now here with me, so I cupped her face to feel if she's real.

But then, she slapped me.

“That's for being stupid! What the fuck are you doing back there?!”

I hugged her.

She's real.

She threw light punches on my chest while I was still hugging her tight.

“I almost lost you…” she sobs. I can no longer feel her punches, instead she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me back.

Fuck. She's right.

What am I doing?

I almost ended myself.

Thank god she's there to snap me back to my senses and bring back my sanity.

“I'm sorry. It won't happen again,” is the only thing I can say.

I pulled away and wiped away her tears.

“Why are you here?”

“To find you, dork! What else would be the reason?”


“What? Why? I thought you were mad at me?”

Our last conversation didn't go well, so now I'm kinda flustered.

“I was, because I was dumb. I remember everything now, Lisa. It wasn't your fault.” she said with a smile.

She remembers everything?


“Everything? Even our memories back in middle school?”

She nodded whilst showing her gummy smile.

“Even our memories when we started dating in college?”

She nodded again.

“Some are still blurry, but what matters the most is that now I remember the most important day of my life. That is when you approached me after embarrassing yourself in the cafeteria that day,” she laughed.

“But how?” I'm still confused how this happened.

“I guess your love for me cured me,” she softly said which melted my heart.

I unbelievably looked at her and cupped her cheeks.

I captured her lips and tasted them like there's no tomorrow.

This time, I'll never avoid her.

This time, I'll make sure she'll remember all the times we shared.

“Could you guys hurry up making out?! I'm hungry,” someone shouted.

We pulled away from the kiss. In the far corner, I saw Jisoo impatiently waiting outside the car.

I chuckled.

I pecked another kiss on her lips then locked our hands together before walking.

“I love you,” This time it's her who said these words first.

“I love you too,” I replied and kissed the back of her hand.

She can forget about me again.

But I'll make sure I'll be there to remind her how much we love each other.

One week won't be enough to show her how much I love her.

But one week is enough to make her fall for me all over again.



also, I'll try to update the epilogue later before the MV release.

I hope you enjoyed reading this shit of a fanfic as I enjoyed/suffered writing it. Hahaha.

I know I was supposed to publish this yesterday, but my bitchy proofreader told me to add more, so I did. Because tbh, the original content was more plain than this one. Lmao.

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