28. Memories

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I looked up at her. She took her phone and was shocked of what was I looking at.

“Lisa.. W-What's that?”

“Let me explain. Je-”

I cut her,

“A guy told me earlier that we were friends back in middle school. Is… Is that true?” I managed to ask her.

Please tell me he's wrong.

Tell me he's lying.


“Ugh. I.. Yeah.. We were friends back then.”

I felt dizzy.

This can't be..

“T-Tell me everything.”  

I need to know the truth.

I need to confirm from her that she isn't the reason of my suffering.

Just that and I'll forgive her.

“We became friends during middle school because I approached you. I walked you home everyday since then. We were okay. We're totally fine. Until your birthday came. I took you out for your birthday and gave you Nini, your teddy bear, and three pink roses as a gift. We went an amusement park, and there's where that picture was taken. I also gave you that necklace,” she pointed at the necklace that I'm wearing.

Something inside me got triggered.

My mind kept flashing pictures. Blurry pictures that made my head hurt.

It fucking hurts more than it has ever before.

“Are you okay?” she put her hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off.

“I'm okay. Please continue.”

No. I'm far from okay. The pain is killing me, but I wanna know the truth.


Third Person's POV

“That night, I walked you home. You accidentally kissed me on the lips and your father saw it. He was mad. I didn't know what happened that night, so the morning after, I went to your house to apologize, but you were gone. You left me with just a note, saying you'll never forget me.” her voice started to crack as she look Jennie in the eyes and reminisce the time she got broken because of that note.

“But you did. Because years after, I saw you in the university and you didn't recognize me. I was hurt, so I avoided you. I tried to avoid you but I couldn't. I'm sorry, Jen. I don't know what happened. Maybe it was my fault why your father decided to take you to New Zealand. Maybe if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in that accident. Maybe it really is my fault. I'm so sorry for keeping this from you. I tried to say it, but I'm a coward. I was afraid that you'll leave me or hate me. I'm so sorry, Jennie. Please forgive me..” Lisa's eyes were filled with tears and the living room echoed with her sobs.

Jennie on the other hand, couldn't take the information she got from her girlfriend. She was shocked and the pain inside her head isn't helping her.

She stood up, while massaging her temples.

“Jennie, are you okay?” The tall one held her hand but she pulled it away.

“Don't touch me,” she said in a monotone.

“Baby, please forgive me-”

“How can I?! How can I forgive you when you just broke my trust?! How can I forgive you when you said you're the reason why I'm suffering in this condition?! When you said that you're the reason why my father died? Tell me… how can I forgive you?” She asks her girlfriend while tears are now freely falling on her face too.

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