4. Birthday Date

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"First of all Lisa, it's 5 in the f*cking morning! Second, i don't know what you should do, it's you're freaking life, i don't know where you should go. I''m not a tourist guide. Wear clothes Lisa. Wear. Clothes. And I don't know what you should give her. You stalked her for years you should know better. I'm going back to sleep now. Bye." with that Chaeyoung ended their call and came back to her dreamland.

"Ugh. I need a new friend. And new clothes..." Lisa said while staring at the clothes hung up in her cabinet.

"Just be yourself baby, I'm sure she won't mind whatever clothes you're wearing. No need to show off." suddenly says Lisa's mom with short hair, who's leaning at her door.

"M-Mom? but it's her special day. I should look cool in front of her."

"You already look cool in you normal clothes. Just be yourself and everything will be fine." her mom walked closer to her and gave her daughter a pat in the back with a warm comforting smile.

"Thanks mom." says Lisa, who's now feeling a lot better than earlier.

Lisa has always been thankful for her moms. Even if a lot of people still judge them for the way they live. "abnormal" "sinful" "toxic in the society" "not in God's will" etc. is what she heard from various people while growing up. At first she tried to defend her parents and her peaceful family but eventually she learned how to shrug those judgemental m*therfuckers off.

'They're just jealous I get to have two moms.' as she thought to herself while hearing those bashful comments being thrown to her.

Jennie on the other hand, woke up late as she felt her eyelids are heavy from crying her heart out last night. She got up, washed her face in her bathroom and walked down stairs to grab something to eat. She saw her father already dressed up, and ready to go to work.

Her dad was about to leave when he suddenly stopped.

"Jennie..." he said in a low tone

She stopped drinking the cup of water to look at the old man. She silently hope that he'll at least say 'good morning' or 'I'm leaving' but instead...

"I don't want to see you hanging out with that blonde girl ever again. Their homo-lifestyle is the least that you need." is what he said before shutting the door and leave.

The girl just sighed and

"Yeah.. Happy Birthday to me too... dad." is all that she could say to herself. She was at verge of crying when she heard her phone beep.

A message from: Lisa the 'Psychic'

Just by reading the name who messaged her is enough to make the girl smile. She opened the message to read it.

From: Lisa the 'Psychic'

Good Morning and Happy Birthday to the beautifulest girl in the universe!

Lisa's sweet simple message made Jennie's smile wider. She felt so overwhelmed that someone actually remembered her birthday. She immediately typed for a reply.

To: Lisa the 'Psychic'

Thank you Lisa! But there's no such word as 'beautifulest'. Hahaha.

Replied Jennie while still smiling like a psychopath.

From: Lisa the 'Psychic'

There is! It only applies to you. *just insert some wink emoticon here unnie*

The brunette burst out laughing at Lisa's funny reply. Her words always made her feel warm and happy. Just imagining the blonde saying these words in front of her already made her cheeks heat up.

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