23. ChaeSoo

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Chapter 23

Chaesoo Chapter

I need to upgrade their relationship so this update is all about our softest ship ChaeSoo.

Just skip it if you want.


It's almost been a month since Chaeyoung and Jisoo became roommates and they got closer ever since.

Their personalities are totally different.

Chaeyoung is a quiet and sociable person who likes parties and making friends.

While Jisoo is a talkative gamer who would rather be stuck at home playing computer games than to go out and socialize.

Even though the two have different contrasting personalities, they still click.

Jisoo will sometimes drag the younger to play with her and the other will just obliges.

Chaeyoung started to gain attention in the university too, ever since she posted a video singing on social media.

They click.

And unconsciously craved for each other's presence more.

When Chaeng goes to parties, Jisoo is left in their dorm, dying because of her worry for her roommate. She'll wait for the younger until midnight.

Chaeng will come home sometimes tipsy but mostly sober since she has high tolerance on alcohol.

“Aish! You smell like alcohol again. When will you stop partying almost every night?” Jisoo said after Chaeng came home at midnight one time.

“Unnie! Why are you still awake??” She was surprised because it was already 12 am.

“Duh~ I was waiting for you, dummy.” The older said while rolling her eyes.

The younger one’s heart fluttered once again.

Truth be told, the reason why Chaeyoung would rather spend her time partying is because she doesn't want to see Jisoo. That's why she parties all night then comes home when she thinks that her roommate is already asleep.

She's avoiding her because she's feeling some emotions she couldn't explain.

Like, when the older touches her, she feels electricity.

When Jisoo is talking about her anime crushes and how pretty they are, Chaeyoung gets annoyed.

When she sees her talking to her classmates, smiling and laughing, she wants to snatch her.

When Jisoo is too close to her, she's having the urge to kiss her.

These emotions made her confuse her own sexuality.

All her life, she thought she was straight. It’s not that she's against LGBT, it’s just that all her life she's always been attracted to guys. She even dated some back in high school.

But now, it's different.

Jisoo’s beauty confused the hell out of her.

Maybe she's just amazed by the girl's beauty.

Maybe it's just infatuation.

Or maybe it’s something deeper than that...

Nonetheless, she still doesn't know if she's gay or not.

One day, Chaeyoung went to a party she was invited in.

She partied all night. She drank a lot. She wanted to be wasted.

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