9. Moving On and Coming Back

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Weeks turned into years, Lisa have learned to divert her longing for Jennie by focusing her attention on her hobby, which is dancing. She somehow managed to put a facade and show to everyone that she's back to her old bubbly self but when she's alone can't control the loneliness she's feeling inside her.

She's now in the school's cafeteria waiting for her bestfriend to come while staring at Jennie's picture, just like what she does every single day for more than 2 years. After all these years, even after ditching her, Jennie's beauty never failed to captivate the younger's heart.

"You're staring at her photo again." Chaeyoung said while taking the seat across Lisa.

"Oh. You're alrready here." she was surprised by her friend suddenly popping out of nowhere.

"I've been watching you staring at Jennie unnie's picture for a minute now. Clearly you didn't even noticed my presence. I've been standing beside you all the time." Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes out of annoyance.

"Seriously, Lis, it's been more than two years. Even if you seem so bubbly and happy to everyone, you can't fool me, because I'm your bestfriend. Just move on and forget about her, because she clearly forgot about you now."

Although Lisa knew that herself, when Chaeyoung said it, the words pierced through the blonde's heart.

The truth hurts.

"I know, but let me wait for her a little more. I'm still hoping that one day, she'll come back or atleast show her face to us."

"But until when? Until when are you going keep on being dumb Lisa?"

Chaeyoung can see from Lisa's eyes that she's hurting becuse of what she said. For a moment she felt guilty, but then she thought that this is what Lisa needs to snap out of it and open her eyes to reality. She then, just decided to let it slide and change their topic.

"Soooo.. I heard that Mina confessed to you. Wow. Lisa you really are a chic magnet. Mina is so pretty and nice." said Chaeng changing their topic.

"Yup. She confessed." said Lisa nonchalantly

"Then what did you say?"

"I said I'm not yet ready. I told her I haven't moved on from Jennie... yet. I can't accept her confession, Chaeng. Mina is a good friend. She's a good companion, but I feel nothing towards her. Even though I turned her down, she said she'll wait for me. She even offered that she'll help me move on from Jennie, but I said no."

"What?! You really are pathetic, Lisa. Why didn't you accept her offer? She was willing to help you and yet you declined?" said Chaeyoung with so much disbelief. "Just give it a shot Lisa. Maybe Mina can cure you from being dumb and pathetic"

"I can't use her Chaeng. She's too kind for me. She deserves someone better."

"Look, Jennie unnie won't come back so stop waiting for her and try to love Mina who's there for you. Don't look at the past, look at the present. It'll be a big loss if you let Mina go just because you're waiting for someone who doesn't even care about you. Who knows? Maybe she even has someone now."

Chaeyoung's words, once again, hit Lisa like a truck. Her words were true so that it hurts. Lisa then came into realization and made a decision.:

"Okay. But let me wait for her until we graduate next week. If she didn't show up, then I'll accept Mina's help and try to move on." as soon as she blurt out those words, she wanted to take it back and for a moment regretted saying them. But she didn't take it back and convinced herself that she made the right decision.

Graduation day came. You can see the happiness of every student from their smiles and laughters. Chatting with their family and friends and making this day memorable. While there's Lisa who's feeling so uneasy. She's roaming her sight to every corner of auditorum. Hoping that she'll see those warm cat-like eyes.

"This is the last day Lisa. Keep your words. If she won't come then you have to let her go and move on." said Chaeng beside her.

"I know." she said while sadness and disappointment was evident in her eyes.

The ceremony finished, happiness is radiating everywhere, but as for Lisa she felt bittersweet. She was indeed happy to celebrate this memorable occassion with her loved ones. She feels happy by remembering her happy moments she spent with Chaeyoung and Jennie, specially the latter. She cherish those memories when she was just a mere stranger to Jennie and contented admiring her beauty by far distance. Those moments when she saw the brunette laughing at her antics. That time when she had gathered her courage to finally speak with her. Those laughs they shared. The memorable moments they shared in this school during middle school, she treasured them all. And now that the only person she wants to see today didn't come. Not even her shadow appeared.

Lisa knows what she should do now.

And that is to move on.

On the other side of the world, a family celebrates one's high school graduation too.

Jennie's family threw a simple barbecue dinner to celebrate her graduation.

"Here." said Taehyung while giving Jennie a white paper bag.

Jennie opened it and to her surprise, she saw the transparent sling bag she asked for when she defeated her cousin in the video game.

"Waaaah! Thank you!" she then flashed her sweetest smile. Her eyes twinkling because of the gift.

"Here's mine. Mind you Jennie, my gift is more expensive than Taehyung's gift." Hanbin said with a cocky smile then handed Jennie a black shoe box.

"Atleast she liked my gift better than yours!" Taehyung retorted to his younger brother.

"Are you sure? Look at her eyes. They are shining because of the shoes I bought her." he said while pointing at Jennie who was drooling at the pair of balenciaga speed trainers he gave.

Jennie then looked at her childish brothers and laughed because of their nonsensical bickering

"Stop! I love both of your gifts! You're the best brothers ever!" she then hugged the two.

They spent the evening with so much happiness. While they happily eat their dinner, Soo Hyun spoke:

"Are you sure you're going to that university? There's a lot of good universities near her Jennie."

Jennie stopped eating for a second to find a good answer from her cousin's question.

"I know oppa. But I think I need this. I need to find my self. After the accident I feel like there's something missing inside me. I don't know what it is but I think this will help me."

Even though she felt so much loved here in her second home than she ever received from her father, that loneliness she's feeling ever since she woke up never left her. She felt empty. She knows to her self that it had something to do with her past. That's why she came up with a decision.

"I'm coming back."


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