8. Cold-Hearted Bitch

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Jennie stayed at the hospital the whole day that day, meaning she had to skip school. The doctors ran some more tests to her to ensure her health.

When they were done with the tests, they allowed Jennie to go home and rest, and they prescribed her to not stress herself too much as it won't do anything good to her health.


The next day Jennie insisted to go to school fearing of being left behind with the lessons. Her aunt approved to her plead but asked her to be more cautious at school.

Jennie sat at her usual spot in their first subject which was History. She feels so exhausted with what's happening to her for these past weeks, and the hole in her heart didn't help her. She still feels lonely, she thought maybe she missed her father? maybe not, maybe she misses her friends? she's not sure about that too.

She was stopped by her thoughts when suddenly someone tapped her shoulder. She looked above her to see who it was, but she didn't recognize her.

"Hey, why are you absent yesterday? Are you okay?" said the girl with so much concern.

Jennie just stared at her blankly as she didn't know how to respond and she didn't know who the girl was.

"Yes, I'm okay. I-I'm sorry but who are you?"

The girl was taken aback and a hint of hurt was seen in her hazel eyes. she then shrugs it off with a chuckle.

"I'm Nayeon, you silly. How could you forget me? Did you have amnesia or something?" again she let's a soft chuckle, then sat at the empty chair beside Jennie.

Jennie, on the other hand, was struck.

'So this is the Nayeon they've been telling me?' she thought.

She stared at the girl beside her and tried to remember any of her features once again, but failed miserably.

She sighed.

"Let's eat together at lunch later, hmm?" invited Nayeon, trying to shrug away her friend's weird actions.

But Jennie thought that she couldn't live her life like this. If this keeps on going, she's afraid she might hurt her new found friends. So she decided to take an action before this can get worse.

"I-I can't." she gulped as she rejected the girl's offer.

"And Nayeon? I think we should stop being friends." she coldly said while just staring at the blackboard in front.

Shock with a hint of sadness was evident in Nayeon's eyes.

"Why? Did I do something wrong? Am I annoying you too much?" series of questions came out of her mouth as she was still confused by the brunettes sudden cold treatment.

"I just can't make friends with you. I'm sorry." she said coldly. It was true, her reasons were true. She can't make friends with Nayeon nor with anyone.

But for Nayeon she took Jennie's answer as a little bitchy. For a second she thought maybe she didn't like her personality but then she just considered Jennie's answer as her way of showing her real self. Thinking that Jennie's friendly and kind acts last week as a mere facade.

Although she was hurt, she isn't mad at Jennie. She thought that at least she was being honest and it was better than being plastic.

"Okay, I understand.." she said with a sad tone.

Unfortunately, some of the girls in front them heard the conversation of the two. They were disgusted at Jennie when they heard her rejecting Nayeon. They thought Nayeon is the nicest person in the school, that's why she's so popular, and they took Jennie's words as a bitchy move.

Those girls spread what Jennie said to Nayeon making it look more bad as they took her sentence out of context.

Jennie's reputation didn't get any better at lunch when a girl asked her to be her friend. But once again, she turned the girl down by saying the exact words she said to Nayeon earlier.

This added fuel to the fire, from naming her as the "new pretty girl" to a "cold-hearted bitch".

Although it hurt Jennie's feelings, she ignored every gossips she heard about her. She remained stoic, not showing any feelings in her face.

And when she's finally home, alone in her small bedroom, she couldn't hold back the tears falling from her eyes while hugging the teddy bear beside her tightly, as if her life depended on it. Loneliness is creeping inside her. She feels so incomplete and she wish she knew who or what is she missing.

She spent the rest of her highschool years enduring all of her feelings and keeping it to herself.

And because of her reputation at school, no one dared to befriend her again.

Some tried to bully her but just giving them a deathly glare would shoo them away.

Some students find her rude but most find her cool and badass with that cold aura. She's mostly the talk of the whole school because of her fashion. Mostly saying that she's a trendsetter, nonetheless, they still pertained her as the 'cold-hearted bitch', in which the nickname grew to her and liked it as the time goes by.

And because of this, Jennie remembers what she's been doing every week since she's not making friends with anyone. It made it easier for her and at the same time lonely.

She's now just thankful that her family is beside her. She's now really close with her three older cousins. She treated them as her own older brothers, as they treated her as a prices of the family. Her uncle, her aunt's husband, is always abroad because of his job as an engineer of a large company.

Jennie is now spending her time with her 'brothers' in the living room playing games.

"Hey! Jennie that's not fair!" shouts Taehyung after losing another game of tekken with Jennie.

Jennie just let out a cocky smirk as a response.

"Just admit that you're a loser Tae. Our little princess has been beating your ass for almost an hour now." says Hanbin.

Taehyung just glared at him and rolled his eyes, then averted his eyes to his little sister.

"Let's play one more Jennie, I swear this is the last." he pleaded.

"Okay oppa, but in one condition. If I win you'll buy me that bag we saw in the mall last week as a graduation gift for me." Jennie smirked as she knows her cousin couldn't refuse her request.

"Okay, but if I win?"

"Who says you'll win? But if that happens I'll congratulate you." she retorted with a sheepish grin.

"C'mon! that's not fair!"

and so they continued playing.

Hanbin burst out laughing because Taehyung got defeated, again.

"Just buy her the bag man." and patted his brother's shoulder while laughing.

"Fuck you." he said while intently glaring at him.

Jennie just shook her head while smiling as she can't believe that these guys are in their twenties.


I miss BlackPink :(


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