3. Goldfish

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Days and weeks have passed after Lisa approached Jennie. Lisa still can't believe that she and Jennie are close now. From stalking and stealing glances from afar to talking and laughing with each other. From being mere strangers to being close friends. It was like a dream for Lisa that she wish she wouldn't wake up anytime soon.

Within those weeks, they just don't talk to each other after class but also share tables during lunch together with Lisa's bestfriend Chaeyoung.

The two are on their way to the cafeteria where Jennie waits in their usual table. From afar Lisa could see something different about Jennie, she was sad. The brunette was alone in their table wearing a long face. The sight alone broke Lisa's heart, although she didn't know the reason why the older one is sad.

"Unnie looks sad." said Chaeng with concern who noticed Jennie's long weary face too.

"yeah..." is all that Lisa could say.

"Unnie, what happened?" asked Chaeyoung as soon as they sat down to join the latter.

"M-My 5 years old goldfish just died." Jennie was in the verge of crying when they heard Chaeyoung sob.

She was crying so bad as if it was her pet who just died.

"Chaeng why are you crying?" said Lisa with so much concern.

"Nothing, I just feel bad for Jennie unnie.." she was crying hard that it caught a lot of attention.

And together Jennie and Chaeyoung cried, mourning about the goldfish's death.

It was kinda silly for Lisa to cry over a fish, but seeing the two cry so hard broke her really hard. She can't look at Jennie's crying face to stop herself from pulling the older for a tight embrace. Instead she did something that she's good at.

The two crying mess a heard music beside them. It was from Lisa's phone, playing shark family song.

And when they looked up they saw the tall blonde girl doing silly dance steps. It's obvious that she's not enjoying her own dance since an embarrass smile is plastered on her face. Enough to make the two stop from crying and enough to make the whole people in the cafeteria to stop eating and just laugh at the girl's silliness.

Jennie and Chaeyoung can't help but to laugh at Lisa's ridiculous dance. They were laughing so hard that they forgot that Lisa is their friend and is now dying from embarrassment. True, she's used to it, but doing it up close in front of Jennie is what really made her feel conscious.

The song has stopped, so is Lisa's performance but not the two girls who are still laughing their ass off.

"Are you two crybabies ok now?" asked Lisa

She received no answer from them but endless laughter.

She waited for the two to settle themselves. It took minutes to do so.

"Ok. Sorry Lis. I don't feel bad for laughing. Hahahaha." Chaeyoung while still trying to compose herself.

"Sorry Lisa, me too." Jennie said while showing her precious gummy smile.

Lisa was contented. All the humiliation paid off once she saw Jennie's smile. It was all worth it.

But still Lisa acted hurt. She dramatically put her left fist on her right chest and fake cried.

"Y'all are meanie!" while still acting passionately.

But no one bought her drama. They ignored her and and went back to their normal convo then started eating their lunch.

Lisa was smiling the whole lunch as she felt like she accomplished something big today.

'It was all worth it.' she said to herself while smiling brightly.

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