19. Forgotten Love

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I feel so happy because of their unifest performance yesterday so here's an early update.

Enjoy gays~

Jennie's POV

I still can't believe that Lisa and I are now dating.

Her soft plump lips still linger on mine.

For the first time in two years I suddenly don't feel alone anymore.

I feel happy.

I feel loved.

Lisa suddenly became the sun that lights up my messy dark world.

She's a walking ball of sunshine.

I took a quick shower after getting into my apartment to freshen up myself from today's fast happenings.

After getting a nice quick shower, I went to the kitchen to have something to eat, then suddenly I felt my phone buzz.

From: My Sunshine

I'm home. Thanks for today, Jen. Thank you for saying yes. I'm so happy to be your girlfriend. I promise to protect you and love you forever. I won't ever let you go this time.

My heart melted because of her sweet message.

How can this girl be a perfect girlfriend material?

Do I really deserve someone like her?

I surely don't.

But I'll make sure that I will be worthy of her love.

To: My Sunshine

What's with the cheesiness, Manoban? Hahaha.

I teased her, although deep inside I really love her sweet talks.

From: My Sunshine

Yah! I'm trying to be sweet here.

To: My Sunshine

Just kidding babe. I love you too.

From: My Sunshine

Yiiiieee. I know you do.

To: My Sunshine

Have you told Mina that you're moving out next week?

I really want her to live with me as soon as possible.

From: My Sunshine

Excited, eh? Don't worry, she already approved. She even said that she'd kick me out anyways. She's such a meanie.

I chuckled because she's like a 5 year-old kid inside of a 20-year-old fine woman's body.

To: My Sunshine

You probably annoy her a lot, that's why.

By the way, will you help me get some groceries tomorrow? My ref is already empty.

I replied.

I need to make an opportunity for us to talk about something.

About my condition.

She needs to know it more than anyone.

She needs to know it by tomorrow before Monday comes.

I know being in a relationship with this kind of condition is hard.

But I trust her.

I'll hold on to her promise that she won't leave me.

That she'll stick by my side no matter what.

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