12. Meet Up

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The day at the university has ended, the dusk is falling rapidly covering the sky.

Some students are freely roaming around, while some are already resting in their respective dorms. One of those students is Chaeyoung, who happens to be spending her time strumming her guitar while singing melodic songs. Her roommate is also there, laying flat on her bed, constantly pulling old dad jokes to the girl.

"Okay. Chaeng. This is really the last one, hear me out."

Chaeyoung ignored her and continued strumming.

"Guess what time the man went to the dentist."

"Oh please." All Chaeng could do is roll her eyes, as nothing can stop the jokester.

"Tooth-hurty." The girl ended up laughing at her own joke. She's rolling around her bed while laughing her ass off as if it's the funniest joke she's ever said.

"This is the reason why you don't have friends, Jisoo unnie."

"What? You're so mean! I do have friends!" Jisoo sat down, ready to debate with the younger one.

"How many then?"

"Okay remove the S. But I do have a friend!"

Chaeyoung just laughed at her weird roommate, whose personality reminded her of Lisa. She thought that the two would get along really well. And because of this, an idea popped up in her mind.

"Unnie, do you want to meet my friend? I'm sure you'll get along really well. She's weird like you."

"I'm not weird, I'm unique! But well, if you say so."

"Good then! Let's arrange this meet-up this weekend." Chaeng exclaimed excitedly

"Oh! Can I bring my new friend? She's kind of a loner and distant to everyone, so maybe she could tag along."

"Sure. I'll let Lisa know. I'm sure she'll love to meet you." Said Chaeng then happily sang another song.

The said girl is currently having a dinner with Mina in a fast food place. They were casually eating their food while having small talk. Joking and teasing each other has become normal to them.

Living under the same roof definitely made them closer. Movie marathons at night, casual chitchats, eating together and walking around the campus is what they did for the past several days.

"Thank you Mina. For staying by my side. I know it'll be hard for me to move on, but still, thank you for everything." Lisa genuinely said to her while smiling. She couldn't express how grateful she is to Mina. Having her by her side, helping her with every step for her to move on.

"You're welcome. You know, I'm not helping you to move on because I have feelings for you, Lisa. I'm helping you simply because I want you to be happy." She held Lisa's hands tightly.

"Whatever you do, whatever decision you make, I'll always be here to support you." Her angelic smile radiated again, lighting up the whole goddamn place. Her smile is so soothing that it can comfort you and assure you everything is going to be alright without even speaking.

'How i wish i met you before her, Mina. Then maybe everything wouldn't so be complicated by now.' Lisa thought.

Mina is too good to be true. She's perfect. Lisa really wished that she had met Mina when she was still whole, unlike now that she's shattered into tiny pieces, when it's hard for anyone to put her back together.

"Did I save the whole freaking world in my past life to deserve someone like Mina Sharon Myoui?" joked Lisa.

With that she garnered a light hit on her arm.

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