27. Truth

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Chapter 27

Months passed, Jennie and Lisa are doing better than before. Lisa had mastered ways how to make the older fall for her. While Jennie is slowly coping.

Every Monday, she remembers bits of her memory with someone blurry that she assumed was Lisa.

“Holy shit. I… ugh.. Sorry. I'm Lisa Manoban. Read this. I'll go now,” one Monday morning Lisa woke up and saw that Jennie was just staring at her. She got startled but also confused because she wasn't woken up by the usual squeal of ‘who are you?!’ or a pillow smacking her face.

It's now Friday, and  Lisa, following her usual routine, waits for Jennie at the exit so they could walk home together.

When suddenly, she saw Bobby bugging a girl. The girl looks so uncomfortable with his presence, so Lisa went there to help the poor student.

“What's going on here?” she said.

“It's none of your business Manoban,” Bobby answered with agitated teeth.

Lisa ignored him and faced the girl.

“Are you okay, miss?” She asks.

The pale girl didn't answer and just looked down to the tiled floor.

Lisa sensed the fear of the girl so she snatched her arm away from Bobby and hid her behind her.

“The fuck do you think you are? You really like playing heroic characters don't you?” Said Bobby who’s now pissed.

“The girl is clearly uncomfortable around you.”

“Stop meddling with my business and fuck off!” Bobby pushed Lisa and grabbed the girl behind her.

“No. You fuck off! Can you stop harassing girls, you dickhead.”

Bobby grabbed the younger’s collar and when he was just about to hit her, they heard a whistle from the hallway.

“Hey! You two! What are you doing there?!” One school official went to them and stopped the two from fighting.

“This man, sir. He's bugging this girl and won't leave her alone.”

“Is that true?” asked the official to Bobby.

“No! I was just talking to the girl and this bitch right here, interfered our conversation.”

“Oh yeah? Tell that to me when you're done doing drugs.” The three were shocked of what Lisa said.

“What do you mean, Miss Manoban?”

“I saw him earlier behind the accountancy building sir. I saw him smoke some pot. You can even check his bag,” said Lisa.

It was true. She saw Bobby behind the accountancy building smoking illegal drugs with his friends. She shrugged it off and tried not to meddle with it, but now that his acts got out of hand, she thinks that it's just right to tell the school officer what she saw.

The school official immediately snatched Bobby’s backpack before he could even protest and searched inside. There they saw a transparent plastic containing weed.

“What's this?” Asked the official to Bobby.  

“T-That’s not mine!”

“Tell that to your own father. Now come with me. This incident will reach the director, your own father himself,” said the official and dragged Bobby away.

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