5. Gone

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The old man forcefully dragged his daughter into their house. His furious eyes never left it's sight to his daughter. It was a frightening view. Jennie last saw her father like this was few years ago, when he found out his wife left him and Jennie to go live with that woman. He was raged.

"What did i tell you, Jennie?! I told you not to hang out with her ever again! Are you that dumb not to understand that simple sentence?! And what's worst is that you kissed her. I can't believe you Jennie." said his father with so much disbelief.

Jennie like a little helpless puppy who's now waiting to be saved by someone. She knows no one will come. But still, she hoped and wished someone would.

"B-But dad... That was an accident! I di-"

"I saw how you leaned to her Jennie! I'm not dumb!"

The brunette was lost of words. All the things she wanted to say to her father earlier are now gone. She couldn't utter any word, because it was true. She leaned for a kiss, but it wasn't supposed to land on the lips but on the cheeks. A friendly, thank-you kiss. But still, her father was right, she leaned for a kiss regardless.

"I knew it. You're just like your mother." the man said with disgust written all over his face.

That's when Jennie snapped. Those words made her snap real hard. She could feel her tears falling down to her rosy cheeks and her blood boiling from within. She's now mad and furious as her father.

"Mom would've never left us if only you loved us more than your work dad!" shouted Jennie. You can hear her voice in every corner of this lonely house.

"Take that back!" her father firmly said.

"Admit it dad! It was also your fault your marriage didn't work. Mom's not the only one to blame." she returned the same intense gaze of his father to her. She was afraid, but she still stood there to state her bottled up feelings for years.

Her father raised his hand as if it was ready to hit her.

Jennie firmly shut her eyes, sobbing, as she was waiting a hand land on her face. But seconds later, nothing. She felt nothing. Her father didn't hit her, but instead went to the kitchen and grabbed a can of beer in the fridge.

"Pack your things, where going to move to New Zealand and live with your aunt." he sipped his drink from the can then continued "you have no choice whether you like it or not."

"What?! Why so sudden?! I'm still studying here dad! I have a life here!" opposed Jennie.

"Don't worry about your school, I already managed your papers days ago. I've been planning about this for quite some time now." the man calmly said, still drowning his self in the alcoholic drink.

"And you didn't even ask me about this? You decided this all to yourself so i'm not going!"

"I'm your father! You're going with me whether you like it or not! Now go up stairs and pack your god-damn things!"

"I hate you!" she exclaimed before going up to her room and cry all night.

It was true. Jennie's mother isn't the only one to blame why her parents had a rotten marriage.

Ever since she was young, she's always been distant to her father. It's because she barely see him at home. He was always at work, often come late at night. Sometimes even come home drunk. And every time her father comes home like that, her parents always fight. She can hear her mother shouting "I can't take this anymore!" or "If you don't stop drinking, I'll leave this house and never come back."

Her father would always defend his self by saying "I bring money to this house! I give you tons of money! So don't ask me to stop doing what I like!"

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