16. Begin Again

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Lisa's POV

I'm so glad that I didn't give up. For the first time in years, I feel like I made the right decision.

I feel like I've accomplished a lot today.

Saving her from the two jerks.

Walking her back home.

Treat her with her favorite ice cream.

Make her smile.

Make her laugh.

And most especially, be friends again with her.

I shouldn't move on from her, because I know for myself that I can't.

I felt so nostalgic earlier. It was like deja vu. Jennie said the exact same words two years ago while we were eating ice cream and joking around.

Is she sure that she can't remember me?

Aaahhh! I shouldn't think about that now. I should just focus on how to make her fall for me. I promised to forget about the hurtful past and just focus on the present.

As soon as I got home, I told Mina everything that happened today.

I saw her doing her assignments on her bed.

I sat beside her silently, then she looked at me when she noticed my presence.

"Mina, sorry I failed you.." I said while looking down. I can't face her because of my guilt.

"Hey, look at me. What are you saying?"

"I failed to move on. I was just supposed to talk to her to confront her about our past. But earlier, when I saw Jennie almost got harassed or who knows what those jerks might've done to her if I weren't there, I felt the need to protect her. I realized that my feelings are still there for her and probably won't get away anytime soon." I said while looking at her. She was silently listening the whole time.

"And now that I've come to this realization, I decided to get her back to my life and protect her with my all. I don't care about our past anymore. I don't care about the heartbreaks she caused me. I'm saying this to you because I want you to stop helping me move on. I want you to find someone who will make you happy, and obviously that's not me." I felt something blocking in my throat, causing me to crack at times.

"I-I'm sorry that this move is a bit selfish but believe me or not, I really tried to love you. I guess, Jennie's charm spell that she casted on me is too powerful that no one could break it. Not even myself. Hahaha." I tried to hide my guilt by laughing while some tears escaped from my eyes.

It's a bit is selfish, I know. But if I push myself further into moving on and loving Mina, I'm afraid that I might hurt her more. And that's the last thing that I want to do to her.

Mina is precious. I don't deserve her. She deserves someone better. She deserves someone who'll love her more than she loved me.

She looked at me and smiled. A bittersweet smile. I felt her pain through those eyes, but she decided to hide it with a smile.

She held my face to wipe my tears

"I know. And thank you for being honest, Lisa. I knew from the start that it's hard for you to move on from her, especially now that you found her again. But I still tried, because I don't want to see you suffer. I hope I still managed to help you somehow." She said while still wearing that beautiful smile.

"You've done more than enough, Mina. I don't even deserve it, but still, thank you." I held her hand tightly to show my sincerity.

"I'm glad to help you. I support your every decision, Lisa. Just remember that I'm always here for you."

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