14. Rejection

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Lisa's POV

Yesterday I failed to talk to Jennie even if i had plenty of chances, but still ended up secretly following her on her way to her apartment. And guess what?

I did the same thing today.

I waited for her earlier, after her class so I could talk to her and confront her about our past. But I got so nervous again that I ended up stalking her. AGAIN.

I am now looking at her from her transparent window in her apartment, and just like yesterday, she seems kinda lonely. Her eyes feels empty that she looks swallowed by her deep thoughts while looking at nothingness from afar.

It made me sad, but I don't know how to ease that loneliness inside her since I'm a stranger for her.

So, I decided to walk back home and just shrug it off.

While walking back home, I passed at the pet shop I went to yesterday.

I really wanted to have a pet cat, and I guess this is the right time to get one.

I looked around the pet shop and saw a little Scottish fold kitten with color white and gray. It looks sooo adorable. wtf?!

It looked at me with it's cute small eyes and meowed.

Okay that's it.

I think we're destined to be together.

So I called the caretaker and said that I'll take that cute kitten. She made me sign the adoption paper and asked me what name will I give the cat.

A name? What should I give him though?

I want it to be cool, like me. I also want it to be cute, like me.

And so, I decided to call him...


Cool yet cute right? Just like me. Hahaha

Leo and I were about to walk out of the store with some cat foods and other necessities when a cute puppy caught my eyes.

I'm not really fond of dogs, not because I'm a cat person but because we just simply don't click. Most of the dogs I know hates me for some reason.

But this particular dog caught me because it looks cute and friendly. So I went to it and played a little with it. It kept wiggling its tail while I call him.

And it reminded me of someone.

Someone who loves dogs.


She loves dogs so much. I remember she said back then that she wanted to have one but her father won't let her because he doesn't like noisy pets.

Speaking of Jennie, I suddenly remembered her lonely eyes earlier. She needs some companion and I think I know now how to help her even if I'm a stranger to her.


Jennie was busy writing some paper works that night when suddenly her doorbell rang.

She ignored it for awhile because she thought someone mistook her apartment to someone else's.

But it rang again.

She's confused because she's not expecting someone since she didn't give her address to anyone, not even Jisoo. She didn't order a pizza nor expecting a package neither. Nonetheless, she still opened it out of curiosity.

"Who is it?" she said as soon as she opened her door but she saw nothing.

She saw nothing but a cage with a brown pomeranian puppy in it.

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