24. Getting Used To

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Chapter 24

Weeks passed. Months flew. A lot of monday mornings came.

Lisa got used to the set up of their very unusual relationship.

She tries to wake up before Jennie during Mondays as much as possible, making sure not to startle Jennie, but when she fails to, that's when chaos begins.

“Aaahhh!! Who are you?! What are you doing here?!” one Monday, Lisa woke up because of Jennie's loud shriek.

Lisa immediately stood up, scared of Monday Jennie. She mentally slapped herself for not waking up early.

“I.. Ugh..” She stumbled over her words as nothing come out of her mouth.

“Read that!” She pointed at the poster where it says ‘LISA MANOBAN IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND’ above their headrest.

“I'm L-Lisa..” She walked to Jennie's desk and grabbed a certain notebook.

“Here, read it. I.. Uhmm.. I'm gonna make us some breakfast now. Just call me if you need anything.” She said then walked out of the room, leaving the confused Jennie behind.  

There are times when Lisa would wake up because of Jennie's sudden slaps. There are chaotic Mondays where Jennie throws things to Lisa. And she endured it all, because waking up next to Jennie is the best thing for her, no matter what way. Whether it would be a slap on the face, deafening squeals, falling on the carpeted floor, and so on.

She endured it.

She tries to endure it because she loves sleeping and waking up next to her.

And there are Mondays that are peaceful too. When Jennie will wake up alone on her bed and read the shocking entries of her diary. It takes her minutes to finish reading it because it has so many entries. And so, one time, she decided to make a summary of her 60 entries to save up time reading during Mondays.

When peaceful Mondays like that came, she'd see her stranger-girlfriend either in the living room watching cartoons while waiting for her or in the kitchen where the food would be already set.

And Jennie likes it. Yes, she's a stranger every Monday but these sweet acts never failed to get her. It overwhelms her so much. The fact that someone is sticking up to her in her situation.. The fact that someone truly loves her despite of it all.

For Lisa, every week is a challenge. A difficult one.

She has to make Jennie fall for her every damn week, and it's actually not that easy.

There are times that it takes her 6 days to make Jennie say she loves her too.

But there are weeks that it only takes her 23 hours to make her say it.

She herself, doesn't know how. But when she does, she feels like she’s won a gold medal in the Olympics.

And when Jennie needs to study for a quiz or an exam, Lisa either locks herself in their room, pretends to be sleeping or gets out of their apartment, so as not to disturb her girlfriend, because if she does, she might forget what she's been studying for a week after. She's being extra considerate that when Jennie needs to study overnight, she crashes in Chaeyoung and Jisoo’s dorm room to sleep.

“Baby, what do you want to do for our third-month anniversary?” one Thursday night, Lisa asked Jennie about their upcoming anniversary next week, while they were cuddling on the sofa and watching a show on Netflix.

“Hmmm. We've been dating for three months already?? It just felt like 4 days for me.”

Lisa chuckled because of her girlfriend's response.

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