Chapter 1- Worst

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Chapter 1

I awoke to the glistening sunlight beading through my pale yellow curtains and into my bedroom. I slowly stretched my evenly tanned arms out and yawned at the same time. The first day of the week is the hardest. I dragged my tired body out of bed and into my en-suit bathroom. I had already placed my makeup the night before so it was ready for use. I looked in the mirror staring at my reflection, god I look like shit when I first wake up. Living on the Gold Coast has its advantages; beautiful beaches, amazing weather and the power to give anyone the perfect tan, something which I have.

Once finishing my makeup and placing my tacky school uniform on, I headed down-stairs to be greeted by my mother on the phone… as usual. Once she had finished her call I had already sat down at the breakfast bar.

“Sweetie, we have to talk.” She said her voice a little shaky… almost like she was nervous.

“What is it mum?” I quizzed.

“You’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you.” She said, I hate when these conversations arise because I never know what she’s going to say.

“Okay.” I replied nervous of what she was about to say.

“We have to move.” There she said it; she just came out of it.

My mouth dropped open, my eyes widening by the second at her words.

“Why do we have to move, and where?” Oh god this can’t be happening.

My whole life is here on the Gold Coast. I hate the thought of moving somewhere where I don’t know anyone. I’d be lost and completely and utterly lonely.

“It’s just we need a change in our lives. It will be good… for the both of us.” She replied.

“Bu-ut my whole life is here. My friends, what would I do? We can’t go.” I begged.

“Carter honey I’m sorry, but I’ve made my decision.” She said.

I couldn’t believe it my whole life pretty much just went up in flames. This means a new school with new people; I’m not going to know anyone.

Mum wouldn’t budge. She had her heart set on moving. After all my begging I finally gave up and stormed off to school.

Once I arrived I searched for my group of friends… in the usual meeting place obviously. I ran over to my best friend Lara and leapt into her arms, because this would be the last week that I see her.

“What’s the matter?” Lara quizzed, she always knows when something’s up.

“I have to move.” I choked out, tears welling up in my eyes.

“Oh my god… where?” She said hugging me again.

“Melbourne.” I replied letting a few tears fall down my cheeks.

We pulled out of the hug but Lara still rested her hands on my shoulders. I truly hated the fact that I would have to move, I would probably never see my friends again. My life literally felt like it was over.

“Everything will be fine!” Lara said trying to assure me.

I tried my hardest to believe that it would be, but deep down I knew it wouldn’t. The whole day went slow, in every class my eyes glazed over and I felt like falling asleep.

The bell rung to leave and go home. I let out a sigh of relief as I began my walk home.

“You better start packing darling.” Was the first thing I heard when I walked in the door?

“Why?” I quizzed smugly.

“Because we leave on Friday.” She said. Fucking hell, could of organised this a little better.

“WHAT. Why so early?” I yelled.

“Because we have to check out your new school and enrol you.” She said with a small smile.

I rolled my eyes and ran up to my room, slamming the door behind me. I wish my dad was here, he would stick up for me. But no he fucked off two years ago because he couldn’t handle things here anymore.

It’s always my life that gets fucked up. Now it’s just gotten even worse, I don’t know what I’m meant to do. 

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