Chapter 7- Stutters

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Jai’s POV

The party, recording Baby Annabelle and being at Carter’s house was so awkward. We would occasionally glance at each other and look away. There was one time where I really just wanted to say hello, but I couldn’t choke out the words. That night when we got home from Carter’s I vowed to myself that I would speak to her on Monday. I really need to get over this shy insecurity about myself, and really just be who I am; I shouldn’t let other people scare me off.


I woke and quickly got ready for school, hoping that I would get there early and sort of rehears what I would say to Carter. I left the house at 8 am and arrived at school at 8:15 am. I usually go to school with Luke but I really needed to work out what to say. I walked into the boys toilets and stood firmly in front of the mirror. I stared at myself, how pathetic am I? I have to practise lines to speak to a girl. But she is a pretty girl like a really pretty girl, so basically I can’t even. Oh god I’m turning into my brother.

After about 10 minutes of standing in the mirror saying lines, I decided to just go with whatever words come out of my mouth. I exited the bathroom and went outside, to see that the whole group had arrived. Carter was there, happily giggling and smiling. That girl has a smile that could lighten up the whole world, on its darkest hour.

I was fast approaching the group, with my mind on what to say. But once I reached them the bell rung. Dam it! I had it worked out, I just lost my chance. Maybe I can try at lunch.

I went to my locker and grabbed my books for class, god forbid I have calculus and that whore Beth is in my class. She’s the usual big tits, blonde hair kind of girl. Most of our fans think that’s what I’m into, but I actually prefer girls who respect themselves and girls that wear jeans and jumpers, wow major turn on.

I sat down in class and began my work. But I was interrupted by Beth sitting next to me with her giggly snobby attitude.

“Hey Jai.” She perked while chewing on her gum.

“Erm hi.” I replied smugly.

“What did you do this week end?” She quizzed in a high pitch tone while tugging on her tacky extensions.

“I erm hung out with friends.” I replied

“Oh yeah, like who?” She asked

“You know, James, Luke, Skip Chloe and Carter.” I said happily

“Ew Carter, she’s such a slut.” Beth announced causing me to get rather pissed at her.

“You don’t even know her! So fuck off.” I hissed.

“Oh my god.” She snapped grabbing her books and moving away from me.

Thank god she is gone; her voice irritates me so much. I continued my work and that lesson was boring. It was like my pen had a mind of its own. It kept writing Carter on every page… wait is it my pen or is it actually me? I scribbled the words out so my teacher wouldn’t see it when I hand my book in.

As soon as class finished I ran out of the class room and dumped my books in my locker. I quickly made my way to where we ate and saw Carter was the only one there. I practically legged it to her, like she was dying or something. Still no one was there yet, this was perfect, and I could talk to her without any distractions. I finally reached her and I as stood only a metre from her. I sucked back my nerves and opened my mouth.

“H-e-ey.” I stuttered. Holy shit I just spoke to her.

She turned to face me with a blank expression on her face… oh god she hates me. I put my head down in shame as if she would speak to a guy like me, but then there was a ray of hope.

“Hey, what’s that look for.” She smiled slightly… Oh my god she spoke to me.

“Oh u-um I though you weren’t going to speak to me.” I stumbled over my words.

“Are you kidding, of course I would speak to you?” She laughed slightly at me shyness.

“Oh well that’s good then.” I smiled.

We stood in awkward silence for a few minutes, but then the whole group piled over and it began getting louder and louder. Carter and I were trying to hear each other over the screams, but that was no use.


“YEAH SURE!” She shouted back.

YAY! She wants to come. Oh my lord I sound like a fangirling person.


Carter’s POV

“Jai asked me out, Jai asked me out!” I chanted while skipping around my room with excitement.

I literally feel on top of the world, like no one could stop me. Jai asked me to the underage party and I have great friends. This move has actually turned out to be a great idea. Even though I miss the Gold Coast, I think my mum might have been right when she said that she thinks this is for the best.

I fell onto my bed after minutes of skipping. I was smiling like an idiot, but I’m just so happy. Jai actually spoke to me and I didn’t make the first move, when I thought I had to. But actually at the start of today I was rehearsing lines to say to Jai, but nothing seemed right so I didn’t say anything.

I’m over the moon. That’s all I can say! I couldn’t be happier.  

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