Chapter 20- WAIT!

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Jai’s POV

Okay so at first I was absolutely terrified about Carter’s mum. But she actually isn’t all that bad, she’s quite nice. I can’t blame her for getting angry because Carter did sneak out to see me.

Well I was surprised that Carter’s mum let me stay for dinner and she also let me stay overnight.  Ally Carter’s mum was actually an amazing cook and she should consider going on Masterchef or something like that.

After we finished dinner I tanked Ally and Carter and I headed up-stairs to sleep. There was just one rule we had to keep the door open a little, that’s fair enough I think. I slipped into a pair of boxers and took of my shirt; I always sleep with my shirt off, well unless it’s a cold night.

I sat down on the edge of Carter’s bed and watched her walk out of the bathroom. She was wearing a pair of short purple shorts and a white midriff that showed off her toned stomach. That may not be toned for much longer. We don’t even know for sure if she is pregnant but we haven’t used protection at all, so it’s highly likely that she is.

Carter truly looked stunning, she looks gorgeous every day I see her. I couldn’t help but stare at her. I slowly took out my iPhone and told Carter to pose. She did the usual pount and peace sign, and then she stole my phone off of me. I tried to snatch it back and sure enough I got it. I kissed Carter passionately but at the same time I snapped a photo. We pulled away and just stared at each other for a moment.

“I love y-“she was cut off by my phone snapping yet another photo. My phone actually has a mind of its own.

“I love you too.” I finished her sentence.

She just smiled before getting under her covers. I soon slid under to. I looked into her eyes and felt myself falling for her even more.

“I think we should start telling people we’re a couple.” I suggested, I didn’t want to hide this from the fans anymore and it would be a good way to tell them that I’m back from the bush.

“If you want, I’m fine with it.” Carter replied with a smile.

“Okay, so I’m going to post these photos on every social media site I’m joined to.” I said.

“Okay.” She smiled.

I opened up my photos and clicked on the photo of Carter doing the peace sign. I singed into my instagram and changed it to black and white not that she needed to have an edit, she’s perfect the way she is. I uploaded it, but I logged out straight away to avoid the comments. I uploaded all the photos to Twitter and Facebook, including the one of us looking at each other and the one of us kissing. I turned my phone off and placed it on Carters bedside table. I turned to face her and her eyes were already closed and she had fallen asleep.

I kissed her forehead and then drifted off to sleep as well.


That was officially the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time. I woke up to Carter snuggled up to my chest, she must have moved herself there in the middle of the night. I slipped out of her bed and wandered down the stairs of her massive house. I was met by her mum standing in the kitchen sipping a cup of tea.

“Good morning.” I said through a tired yawn.

“Morning Jai.” She replied. “You do know how sorry I am for what I said to you?” She added.

“Honestly, it’s fine.” I assured her yet again.

“I wasn’t thinking and Carter she really likes you, I can see it in her eyes, she does a lot.” Ally said.

“I like her a lot as well, like a lot a lot.” I replied.

“I know you do, but please don’t hurt her, she’s fragile about something’s.” She said.

“I would never hurt her, I love her.” I said. WAIT! I just told Carter’s mum that I love her daughter.

“You love her?” Ally asked.

“Yeah, I think I do.” I said feeling myself smile.

“You’re good for her, you can keep her grounded.” She said with a smile.

I smiled back and walked back up the stairs. WAIT! What does Ally mean by she is fragile about some things? Is there something Carter isn’t telling me?


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