The Life Of A Teenage Half-Vampire Part 16

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"You don't believe me?" I asked curtly. Alice giggled wildly.

"No, Renesmee, I don't!" she squealed. "Oh, I just wish I could see your future... what's coming for you. Though, somehow, I think you already know and have managed to not think on it. Other than subconsciously, of course.

I was confused.

"Alice, what are you talking about?" I questioned slowly.

"You yourself know, Ness," she replied. "But only you. I know there's something going on... but that's because your behaviour is... odd."

"Whatever," I scoffed. I turned to walk away, but Alice grabbed me.

"Think hard, Nessie," she warned. "Because what I think it is is something that you have to face. And you don't have to do it alone."

I smiled.

"Umm... thanks, I guess," I said slowly. "I... have to go fine Jake. He had to tell me something and you just reminded me." I knew that lying to Alice wasn't exactly the smartest idea but I had no idea what she was talking about, and for the most part I didn't want to know. I sighed.

As I left the cottage, I considered running away. I hated being interrogated by my family, most of all Alice. It was almost like having a second mother, only this mother could see parts of your life before they even happened. I had a feeling that Alice would be on the phone to my parents now, begging them to come home and rescue their wayward teenage daughter from whatever it was that was wrong with her. I decided that I would go visit my grandfather, maybe spend the night there. Charlie loved my company, even more so now that Sue was working nights at the hospital.

I made my way safely to Charlie's. I noticed Leah's car parked out the front; great, I sighed. Leah never understood me in any way, shape or form. Personally, it didn't worry me too much. But her constant staring was a nuisance. I liked a little bit of privacy, but no matter what, I always managed to become the centre of attention. At school, I was the freak girl who had pale white skin whilst the rest of the students had dark skin from their Quileute heritage. At home, I was the half-vampire who was more human these days. With Jacob, I was his, so he made sure I was the centre of attention.

I knocked on the door. I could hear Samira's light footsteps running toward the door. Then, Charlie's heavy footsteps came right behind her. Charlie opened the door, and looked surprised when he saw me.

"Hey, Nessie, what are you doing here?" he said, hugging me.

"I just wanted to see you," I lied.

"Oh, that's sweet," he smiled. "But I'm about to go to work." I noticed that he was wearing his Chief's uniform. I sighed.

"Oh," I said sadly. "Er... can I stay here tonight? Mom and dad aren't home yet, and Jake's having a guys night. I really don't want to be at the cottage alone."

"Sure, sure," Charlie smiled. I walked inside the warm house. It was messy; Samira had managed to spread toys everywhere.

"Leah and Samira are staying here, too," he added. I nodded.

"How come?" I asked.

"Paul's gone with Sam and Jared to Vegas," Charlie explained. "Sue didn't want them in La Push without any of the guys around at all. Of course, we all assumed Jake would be with you. And Seth... well he's kind of been distant since he met Amanda. Sue doesn't like her," he added, chuckling.

"Okay, then," I smiled. I made myself at home by nestling on the lounge. Leah was in the kitchen making dinner. I could smell onions; they made my stomach turn.

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