The Life Of A Teenage Half-Vampire Part 43

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Chapter Thirty-Four... Little Surprises Make For Big Bouts Of Happiness

Isabelle and I both enjoyed our beach bonding day. She loved the water so much. I wondered when we would visit the beach once we were living in Alaska... It wouldn't be very often. We'd probably be lucky to go at all.

I returned home when Isabelle started to fall asleep on the picnic rug on the beach. I gently picked her up and put her into her car seat. She merely yawned before fully falling asleep. She was so beautiful; like a little angel. I couldn't imagine myself without my perfect daughter anymore. I couldn't imagine it at all. She was my whole world. I didn't need anyone else to be happy.

I returned to the house and put Isabelle in her crib. She was so easy to move when she slept; she barely budged. I kissed her forehead before turning out the lights and heading downstairs to the living room. I walked past the room that Charlie was staying in and saw him sitting up, talking with Sue. They looked excited about something... I wondered what, but chose to keep walking. I had just reached the bottom of the stairs when my mom and Alice ran into the room excitedly. I froze, stunned. I wished at that moment that I could read minds...

"Ness! Nessie!" Alice squealed. "Gues what? Guest what? GUESS WHAT?!"

"Er... you got married again?" I asked dumbly. I had no idea.

"I have seen the future, and you'll love it!" she said, bouncing up and down in front of me. I still felt dumb... what was she talking about?

"Mom?" I asked hesitantly. "What's going on in the future?"

Mom took a deep breath.

"A lot, sweetie," she said, smiling. "One thing in particular will happen before we go to Alaska."

"Okay..." I replied slowly. "What's that?"

"We can't tell you!" Alice interrupted mom when she opened her mouth to speak. "That's a surprise! And trust me, you want it to be a surprise."

Mom was positively beaming.

"So... what's the other... stuff, then?" I asked curiously. This time, Alice let mom speak.

"Charlie... your grandfather isn''t dying," mom said excitedly. "If fact, Alice sees that he will live at least another ten years!"

My face grew from utter confusion to pure happiness.

"Oh, my God!" I squealed. "That's great!"

"Yes!" Alice agreed. "It's so great! But in eight days... the BEST surprise will be coming your way!"

"That's great," I said half-heartedly. I wasn't expecting anything too extravaggant. "Is that all you wanted to tell me? Or was there something else? Because, Aunt Alice, you look like you're sitting on the edge of your seat, wanting to tell me something. I know you like surprises, but you also struggle to keep them too, just in case someone beats you to telling them. So...?"

Alice laughed in agreement.

"Oh, Renesmee... you know me too well," she grinned. "Okay... I can see you're definitely going to get married within the next five years... judging by Izzie's looks... by the time we return to Forks, she will be fully grown... I know that because I can see that over the last few years, she doesn't change. She'll actually be eleven, but physically she'll be seventeen... just like you."

I smiled nervously.

"Married? To who?" my only hope was that it wasn't Jacob again. That was a train wreck I wasn't willing on reliving.

"I'm not sure," Alice frowned. "He doesn't have a face."

"Oh, great," I sighed. "It could be anyone... even female!"

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