The Life Of A Teenage Half-Vampire Part 46

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Chapter Thirty-Seven... I'm In The Business Of Misery

A new day. A new week. It was Monday morning, and I had decided I needed to be alone. I had awoken around 6am that morning to find Isabelle throwing quarters across the bedroom and out the window. I didn't get why... or how she got the quarters, for that matter. I wasn't in the mood for this. The terrible two's were seriously hitting me hard- and she wasn't even one yet! I sighed as I quickly climbed out of bed and walked towards her cot, an angry look taking over my face.

"Isabelle Renee Black! What are you doing?!" I shouted. I could hear my dad in the next room mutter "Nessie's awake...".

"Uh-oh..." she gasped. "Momma, I'm sorry..."

"Where did you get the quarters?" I asked angrily. "I don't have any quarters, you know."

"Aunty Rose gave them to me," she said hesitantly. "They're fakes, mommy. She told me to throw them out the window... for good luck."

"Aunty Rose seems to be doing a lot of stuff that makes me angry..." I sighed. Rosalie and Emmett both had a habit of teaching MY daughter bad or annoying habits, things that really got on my nerves. Payback would be bittersweet; their child, whether it be boy or girl, would learn some pretty irritating habits from me. Mom had said she would be the same, as they both taught me bad habits, too.

Isabelle dropped the fistfull of quarters she still held and sat down. I stroked her dark curls and she stood up, holding her arms out. I picked her up; even when she made me mad, I could still love her more than anyone else in my life. She was my world. Every now and then she would use her telepathy to learn things from my father, or from mom when she dropped her shield. It was amazing; we communicated so well. It was almost as if we were one mind. A part of me had always believed that we truly were.

Today I had decided, however much I love my daughter, that I needed time alone. Over the next few days I'd be so busy, I wouldn't find time to have alone time. I needed to soak up my final time in Forks, alone. Who knows when I may be back. Who knows if I'll ever be back. It's true; you can't determine if you're gonna change your mind. But of course Alice and Isabelle would see when we changed our minds, and it would obviously be for the better.

Isabelle gladly would be spending the day with Rosalie. Rosalie was getting the practice in ready for what Emmett had dubbed "our little rugrat", and had mysteriously grown a baby bump overnight. Though vampires don't sleep, Rosalie finds she becomes exhausted and needs to lie down... so human-like, I had laughed. She had spent the whole of last night with her eyes closed, monitoring intensely the movements of her unborn child. As she opened her eyes, a definitive bump had appeared where her stomach is supposed to be permanently flat. She was thrilled, and insisted on wearing something that would show it off.

Sue had noticed when she and Charlie visited, and could only say "you're lucky Billy Black's dead... though he's probably rolling over in his grave." Billy had always been hesitant when it came to vampires, even though his son married a half one.

Past tense.

Now, the future of Alaska was only creeping up on us. Jacob hadn't been around in days, and Isabelle was grateful for that. So was I. I couldn't deal with his stupidity today of all days. I could only pray I didn't run into him. Oh, how that would ruin my day.

I took the opportunity of my alone time to do some shopping for Isabelle's birthday. It was only three weeks away, and I was adamant at what to get her. She was way beyond her age maturity, but she was still so childish. I would take on Port Angeles first, then head to Seattle. I had decided to get her a locker similar to the one I lost, and place a picture of her and I in it. She would love that.

So I headed to the only jewellery shop in Port Angeles. It was small; I think it would have been the size of my bathroom at Carlisle and Esme's house. I walked in the door to be greeted by the friendly woman behind the counter. She eyed me crucially as I walked along the display cabinets, looking for something for my daughter. If only I could read minds! The woman clearly didn't trust me; in her eyes I was a silly child, a girl who's not old enough to buy jewellery, let alone be looking at it.

I found a beautiful locket in the store, however, that was almost exactly the same as mine that I had lost years ago. I bought it straight away; the woman behind the counter looked surprised when I pulled out a credit card... it made me laugh. I walked out of the store, happy that I had found something for Isabelle. The woman behind the counter merely glared at me as I glided out of the store in a very unhuman fashion. It made me feel extremely satisfied.

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