The Life Of A Teenage Half-Vampire Part 49

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Chapter Thirty-Eight... The Fallen Quileute Wolf

The night that followed my amazing day was long. Isabelle had definitely missed me; she followed me everywhere around the house, dragging along a ratty pink rabbit that she had found at Charlie's house in my mom's old room. After trying to figure out for hours who owned it, Charlie told mom it was hers, but it was Renee's before that. And now Isabelle had claimed ownership on it, and she wasn't giving it up anytime soon.

I entered the kitchen to help mom make some dinner for me and Isabelle. She followed me in there and then attempted to climb up the bench; it scared me... her quick movements were becoming more advanced, and she almost made it onto the bench. Give it a few months, and she'd develop inhuman speeds. She was part vampire, after all.

And part wolf! Though no wolf characteristics had shown through at all in her. Quite possibly, as Carlisle had once explained, her vampire blood could have killed off any wolf blood that ran through her veins. After all, the wolves will die if they ever get bitten by a vampire. It was a strong possibility that she would never show any of her Quileute heritage, except for her black hair. She looked like me, excluding the hair. Jacob had complained that the only characteristic she had of him was her hair, but she did have other, less obvious characteristics that she inherited from him.

Her impatience was one of them.

As we ate dinner that night, she babbled on about her day with Rosalie and Emmett. It was amusing, and adorable, the story of a day coming from a one-year-old. She could recount the unimportant factors better than those that mattered.

"Aunty Rose said that her baby kept moving all day," Isabelle had began after I had asked her how her day was. "She said it feels funny. But wonderful. Does it, Mommy?"

"Er... it's pretty amazing," I smiled. I wasn't quite sure how to answer that to a child.

"Mommy, when are you going to have another baby?" Isabelle asked brightly. I nearly fell off of the chair in shock; I never expected this question from my daughter. Not until she was older, at least.

"Umm... one day," I answered hesitantly. "When... I'm older..."

"But mommy, you'll never get older," Isabelle giggled. "Why not make a baby now?"

"How do you know so much about it, Izzie?" I asked curiously. She gave me a wide grin.

"I saw it," she smiled. "In a book. Then in my head. Mommy, you and Cody should make a baby!"

Isabelle undertood partially, but much of it was through the eyes of an innocent child. I could only hope that she didn't see Rosalie and Emmett having sex in her head... I dont think anyone would want to be within hearing distance of them during that time...

"Bub, Cody and I don't talk anymore," I sighed. "I don't think we ever will..."

"Don't give up, mom," Isabelle smiled shyly. "Good things are gonna happen for you. My visions tell me that."

"Thanks, Izzie," I smiled weakly.

"Mommy?" Isabelle began. "Do you think we'll be happy in Alaska?"

"I hope so," I grinned. "Bigger house... new school. Can't see why I wouldn't like it."

"I think we'll be back sooner than you think..." Isabelle sighed. "But Aunty Rose will have the baby by then, or so I've seen."

"You're pretty intelligent for a one-year-old, Iz," I smiled. She chuckled.

"I get it from my momma," she laughed.

I picked her up, wrapping her tightly in my arms. She cuddled up to me, and slowly started drifting off to sleep. She was exhausted, but I thought she probably would be after today. Rosalie tended to exhaust her when she spent a great deal of time with them. I didn't mind, though. At least I wouldn't be struggling to get her into bed tonight...

After putting Isabelle in bed, I spent the night with Rosalie and mom. Alice and Esme decided to head up to Alaska for the day and paint some of the rooms, and air out the place. They arrived back early hours in the morning. Alice was a wild driver, after all. I fell asleep on the lounge around 3am, after struggling to stay awake with mom and Rosalie. They were discussing pregnancies, comparing the difference between each others', when my eyes closed and I fell into the land of sleep.

I awoke to a startling noise early in the morning. It couldn't have been after nine. I sighed as I got up to see mom talking on the phone in a rush. I stood dead on the spot, frozen in time. What was going on? Mom quickly handed the phone to Carlisle, who left the room. We all listened, but he had walked outside and away from the house.

Oh, where was my father when you needed him?

Dad, Emmett and Jasper had all gone out hunting at the crack of dawn, as a last "hunting in Forks" session. If Isabelle was awake, I would ask her to read Carlisle's mind, and then she would communicate with me. Then I could tell everyone. But as Rosalie had informed me, Isabelle awoke at 3.30am and didn't go back to sleep until 5am this particular morning. She needed her sleep, and I wasn't going to wake her up.

We would just have to wait.

After around ten mintues, Carlisle entered the house with a grave look on his face. He honestly looked like someone had died. No sooner the words crossed my mind, Rosalie spoke them.

"Carlisle, who died?" she asked worryingly.

"It's not Charlie, is it?" mom asked, panic crossing her face. Alice looked stern as she entered the room.

"Charlie's fine, Bella," Carlisle reassured her.

"Then what's going on?" I asked quickly, interrupting Rosalie, who had opened her mouth to speak. "Your face says someone died. Did someone that we know die?"

"Yes," Carlisle said, bowing his head. "An unknown vampire made a spontaneous entrance into town last night. His scent was picked up by the wolves, and they hunted after him. They got him... but not before he bit one of their own."

"A vampire?" I gasped. "Oh, my God..."

"Who died, Carlisle?" Esme asked, looking shell-shocked. We weren't used to vampires passing through anymore... not ones we didn't know, anyway.

"Sam Uley," Carlisle said, looking sad.

Sam, of all people. I never thought...

"Sam?" Mom gasped, her eyes looking extremely distressed. Tears welled in my own eyes; Sam had done a lot to protect me over the years, and I had known him quite well. He still talked to me as if I were family after Jacob and I got divorced, too. I couldn't believe he was dead.

"Was it... painful for him?" I asked Carlisle, choking on the last word. Mom wrapped her arm around my shoulder, and I rested my head on hers.

"The vampire bit him so quick, he didn't realise it had happened at first," Carlisle explained. "He went quickly, according to Jacob. That's who rang. He said that Clare is comforting Emily, who is pretty distressed. It all happened so fast... I've never seen a wolf die from a vampire bite, I've only ever heard of it. I always prayed that it would never happen..."

"I can't believe it," Rosalie gasped. "I... always thought that I would kill Jacob when he pissed me off, but..."

"I know, Rose," Carlisle sighed. Rosalie wasn't close to any of the wolves, but she was still in shock.

We would wait around for the others to return to the house. Dad would read all of our minds, but Jasper and Emmett would be wondering why we all looked like we were about to attend a funeral.

Our last days in Forks had found misery.

I felt extremely sad as I walked into my room to cry...

This was so unexpected. Sam was a fallen wolf. The first fallen wolf.

It wasn't something I ever thought would happen.

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