The Life Of A Teenage Half-Vampire Part 40

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Chapter Thirty-One... Just Ten More Days Left In Forks

On the night of Charlie's heart attack, me and my entire family had gathered around his bedside and out in the hall of the hospital. By morning, Charlie had regained consciousness, whilst Isabelle and I suffered sleep deprivation. I was impressed, however; Jacob stayed with us the whole night, comforting us. A part of me did still love him... a part of me always would. No matter what.

Two days later, Charlie had regained all of his strength. The nurses had him up and walking around. Carlisle had opted for Charlie to stay with us rather than in the hospital, and insisted that he would take care of him. All of us were now living under the same roof, Sue included. Charlie struggled with his new diet, but dad ensured that he followed it. We were all incredibly close.

When I was sure that Charlie wouldn't die on us anytime soon, I took a small trip to Jacksonville to visit my Grandma Renee. She suffered from stress when she learnt of Charlie's heart attack, and Kayla had asked me to visit before we moved to Alaska. I was only there for two days, but it was great to catch up with them. Kayla had a new boyfriend, and she was moving away to college with him. Renee and Phil were worried; despite the fact that they had a granddaughter and a great-granddaughter, they seemed extremely concerned about Kayla falling pregnant. I learnt from her, however, that she was slightly old fashioned, and was still a virgin.

Her parents would be relieved to hear that.

They thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Isabelle, who managed to startle Renee when she began a full conversation with her. Just on eleven months, my daughter was intelligent.

As we made it back to Forks, I realised it was now only ten days until we moved. The removal trucks would be arriving the day before, taking most of our belongings up to our mansion in Alaska. The house was split into different sections; the only things we shared were an enormous kitchen, and one shared living room. Isabelle and I had our own little section- it was two bedrooms, two bathrooms with a private living room that I could see becoming a toy room. Mom and dad had a section next to us; every couple had their own private area.

Jacob was moving there, too. Or so he said. He apparently had found his own apartment there, and I dreaded the thought of him being there. I was still trying to force myself to love him, but it wasn't fair on him or me. Or Isabelle, for that matter. My heart ached as I thought of Cody; it had been a while since I'd seen him, and I knew I would never see him again. Not until I returned to Forks, at least.

As I sat in the forest next to Jacob, he swiftly took my hand. I fought the urge to pull away; he always frowned at me for it.

"So when we move to Alaska, will you maybe come live with me in my apartment one day?" Jacob said, smiling at me. I looked away and stared off into the forest.

"I... er... look, I don't know, Jake," I lied. "I haven't really thought that far ahead."

"Oh," he sighed. "Er... well, at least we'd have privacy there. We could be intimate any time we want to."

I cringed a little.

"I'm not ready to live with you yet," I admitted. "Or be intimate with you."

"You're thinking about sex with Cody, aren't you?" he snapped. I let go of his hand and frowned at him.

"What?!" I snapped back. "Why do you bring him up every time I hesitate over something? I have a history swith him... get over it! Stop being so macho and all 'she's mine and only mine' over me, or you won't get a chance with me at all!"

Jacob recoiled back from me.

"You are mine," he joked. I raised a fist and he jumped back.

I laughed and he sat back down. It was easier last time with Jacob; I just didn't feel anything for him anymore. I wanted Cody, and I was determined to get him. I had ten days left... would I get him? Or would I be disappointed by him again?

I could understand his reservations to me being a vampire, but he had to understand that my human half defined me a lot lately. My emotions definitely got the better of me. In the last year, I had given birth, gotten divorced, hooked up with a full human, had my heart broken, grown closer to my family, grown extremely close to my daughter, fallen out from my friend Clare (whom I still hadn't gotten to see), made new friends who I missed dearly, nearly lost my grandfather, and had the man who broke my heart return, begging my forgiveness and ever-dying love.

My life was already complicated; it had gotten worse in twelve months. The things I wanted were out of my reach, The things I thought I had gotten away from returned to haunt me with a vengeance. I had to do something.

I needed to repair my friendship with Clare before I left. I would never forgive myself if I didn't.

"Jake, I'm gonna go see Clare," I explained as I stood up. "The last time I went to see her, Charlie almost died, and I never got to actually talk to her. So... I'm gonna go now."

Jacob frowned.

"Do you have to?" he scoffed. "You do know she's carrying the mutant spawn of a one-night stand, don't you?"

"What?" I spat.

"She screwed some random guy," he explained. "Got herself knocked up. What a whore."

"Who told you that?" I asked harshly.

"Quil did," he stated. "He and Mira are adopting it, apparently. Mira..."

"Can't get pregnant," I finished his sentence. "Yeah, I know. She's had a hysterectomy."

"Yeah," Jacob sighed. "But why adopt the kid? I mean, it's not like it's his! It wouldn't be the same, having an adopted child, you know."

"Hoe do you know it's not his?" I asked. "How do you know he didn't get Clare pregnant?"

"Because he's engaged to Mira," Jacob said slowly. "And he wouldn't cheat."

"You know, Jacob, Clare got drunk a few months back," I said harshly. "Whilst she was pregnant. It's not like her, and you know it. Carlisle reckoned she was trying to kill the baby... because she didn't want to give it up when it was born."

"What a load of crap!" Jacob argued. "Quil wouldn't cheat!"

"Haha, sure," I scoffed. "But they're a threesome. They're using Clare for a baby!"

"Whatever, Renesmee," he snapped. "You just want to pin something on him because of what he did to Clare! Grow up! People break up! People make up! It's the cycle of life, you know!"

"Yes!" I said brightly and sarcastically. Then I scowled at him. "Consider the possibility of us reconciling zero! I'm so sick of your crap!"

"What?" Jacob said, his face falling.

"You have this whole idea that if you stick around long enough, we'll happily become a family again," I sighed. "I'm... It's just not what I want. I was hoping to make you happy because I didn't want to be alone. And that's not fair on you... it's not fair on me... it certainly isn't fair on Isabelle. She already hates you... and I didn't put the idea in her head, either. I don't want her to. I want her to like you."

"I knew you were hiding your true feelings, Ness," Jacob said after a minute. "I just didn't want to believe the truth. I love you... but i guess you've moved on. With Cody."

"Not quite," I said softly. "But I have moved on. I'd like to think that I'll see Cody in my future, but..."

"You will," Jacob smiled. "I tried to make you something you aren't. I'm not gonna move to Alaska. But... I will visit often. I'm gonna go to College in New York. That will be a challenge for me!"

I kissed Jacob on the cheek. He quivered at my touch.

"This time," I whispered in his ear. "I'm running away."

"Do it better than I did, please," he whispered back.

I thought about the small argument that made Jacob see that I wasn't the girl for him. He would find someone, I knew it.

I smiled as I walked away, realising I'd finally managed to get my freedom from Jacob. Mom had said he was persistent with her as well, but i guess I'd never realised how much.

I ran back to the house; reuniting with Clare was my next step.

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