The Life Of A Teenage Half-Vampire Part 44

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Chapter Thirty-Five... The Vampire-Human Connection

I awoke bright and early the following morning to find Isabelle curled up on the corner of my bed, sound asleep. I frowned; I didn't think she could get out of her crib. I quietly got up and picked her up, placing her in the crib. She simply rolled over, then began snoring softly. I chuckled quietly before leaving the room.

I entered the kitchen to find Rosalie sitting there, staring blankly. She could be so vampire-like sometimes. I smiled as I went and sat next to her; she barely battered an eyelid as I sat on the seat, trying to attract her attention. I sat there tapping my fingers on the table in an annoying fashion; I could be like a child sometimes. Finally, Rosalie snapped, scowling.

"Do you mind?" she cringed. "That's annoying, you know."

I stopped.

"Sorry, Aunt Rose," I said shyly. "What's on your mind?"

"I have been a vampire for so long..." she began, but I think she was mainly talking to herself. She didn't continue her sentence.

"You never wanted this life," I stated. "But... well, you're stuck with it. So what's on your mind, Rose? Why are you having reservations again? Or now, I should say?"

"I didn't think this could happen..." Rosalie muttered to herself. "It shouldn't... I can't change..."

"Aunt Rose!" I snapped. She glared at me.

"You know how much I resented your mom when she fell pregnant with you?" Rosalie said quickly. "I did... a lot. I had always wanted a baby, and the reality was that I couldn't have one. But then I overheard Carlisle and Alice talking about me... talking about how we didn't know for sure that we couldn't. It was truly theoretical. I mean, we don't change! But a few months back, something so... human... happened to me. Something I hadn't had for so long. I mean, I had gotten used to the fact that this didn't occur anymore, so it struck me by surprise. I confided in Carlisle... and he started researching it. And then... your mom actually cried! Real tears! I mean, whose to say that we haven't always been able to do these, it just... comes out randomly sometime in our immortal lives? We don't."

"By 'something human' you mean... menstruating?" I guessed wildly. Rosalie nodded.

"It's crazy, right? I feel so defective. I just... don't get it. Emmett was saying I was moody but... we don't even bleed when we get hurt... how is this possible?"

"I get why you're so worried."

"You don't have to worry about being so human because you're half one. For me... it's so out of the ordinary. I mean, Emmett didn't even pick up the scent of... well, neither did I or anyone else. So... it's gotta be unusual, right?"

"Oh, yeah. I didn't notice. I haven't."

"It only happened twice. Then, this month... nothing. It was like it never happened. I just simply put it down to a random experience. Like as if I still had blood from when I was changed. But..."

"What does Carlisle think?"

"He's learnt that in Romania, a female full vampire was able to bear and give birth to a child. The only way they could get it out was to use vampire teeth... the baby was a full vampire, too, that grew extremely slow. It's about fourteen now... though it looks like a seven year old. The opposite of you... and Isabelle."

This conversation was something I had yet to think about. Rosalie was freaking out... and I couldn't blame her.

"Okay... so it's... possible?" I said, frowning. "For a vampire to bear a child?"

"Apparently," Rosalie scoffed. "I should be excited but... I'm scared that it will happen!"

"It is scary! Being pregnant... it scares you. You know you're responsible for someone else, and that's terrifying! But it's exciting, too. Hell, a child would be lucky to have you as a mom! Even if it's not possible... I mean, perhaps that was a one-off..."

"Then there was me... so now I'm two of a kind. Go figure. The one thing I always wanted is finally happening... and I can't bring myself to tell my husband about it because I'm too worried it's all a coincidence..."

"So you... are? Pregnant, I mean?"

"Well, Carlisle seems to think so. I'm in denial. Or I know it's not true. Pick."

"Umm... okay..."

"It's not supposed to happen, Ness! I am freaking out!"

"Calm down, Aunt Rose! Are you so sure you're not?"

"No. That's the part that scares me. That vampire in Romania had the same thing happen to her! And... oh, I should be happy. But I can't be happy until I see some proof."


I decided to leave Rosalie with her thoughts and freak-outs. She could be a little overdramatic at times. But it did make me wonder... how was this possible? Was it that whilst vampires were well and truly frozen in their current state, they were prone to have occasional, random human moments? Like tears, mensturation... even the ability for a male vampire to produce sperm could be a random act...

There were true mysteries in life, even for vampires.

I left the kitchen, walking upstairs. I met mom in my room, tending to Isabelle, who had just woken up. Mom was silent as she took Isabelle out of her crib and handed her to me. She went to walk out the door, when I suddenly stopped her.

"Mom? What's up?" I asked, grabbing a hold of her with one hand. Mom looked a bit worried.

"I heard you and Rose talking," mom began, frowning. "I er... I'm guessing you heard us last night?"

"A little bit," I admitted sheepishly. "Sorry."

"It's okay," mom smiled slightly. "I just... I didn't realise about Rose until I heard for myself. Your dad read Carlisle's mind about it, and then we talked about it until I heard Isabelle asking for you. And... here we are."

"What do you think about Rose, mom?"

"Your dad and I both think it's possible. Rare... but possible. I mean, we as vampires are pretty closely related to humans. If we weren't... we wouldn't have you."

"But vampires are supposed to infect and multiply, not reproduce."

"Not necessarily. Theoretical history suggests vampires being born from other vampires, and it's probably the born vampires who never reproduce, because they never have eggs... or sperm."

"So... Rose's baby..."

"Probably will never have kids. But hell, most of us won't. It's a rarity."

"Like you crying, mom?"

"Yes. Random. Very odd, but history suggests it's possible."

"We really don't know that much about ourselves, do we?"

"I don't think we ever will. There is a strong human-vampire connection."

"And there always will be..."

Mom headed off to find Rosalie and talk to her, whilst I took Isabelle to the kitchen for breakfast.

The information I had just learnt this morning was a little scary.

Rosalie was apparently pregnant, which was something none of us thought possible.

I guess everything is possible if you just believe...

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