The Life Of A Teenage Half-Vampire Part 7

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Chapter Seven... Charlie Swan: A Married Man

Three weeks had passed since our visit to Jacksonville, and the time had come for Grandpa Charlie to get married. I had spent the past three weeks going through the hassle of dress fittings, rehearsals and a hairdresser. The hairdresser commented on how uniquely beautiful my hair was; I felt nervous as she played and experimented with my hair. Finally, after four visits, the woman decided my hair would look beautiful pinned with my curls wildly but nicely hanging down from the pins. My mother would have her hair aftificially curled, much to her dismay. Alice begged Sue to let her do everyone's hair, but Sue knew that Leah wouldn't let Alice touch her.

We all gathered at Charlie's house bright and early to get ready. Charlie travelled to the Cullen house, where dad and all the other men were waiting. Charlie had selected Grandpa Carlisle, dad, Uncle Jasper and Uncle Emmett to be his groomsmen, with Billy Black, despite being extremely aged now, as his best man. Jacob was also asked but he turned it down, suggesting that perhaps highlighting the fact that he was engaged to the groom's granddaughter wasn't something he was ready for. It made me wonder if he really wanted to get married.

Sue had grown her greying hair long for the wedding. She chose to have it dyed black, which made her look about ten years younger. As I complimented her on this, Leah scowled. Leah had been forced to grow her usually short-cropped hair long. Leah's daughter Samira, who was four years old now, was the flowergirl. Leah had grown incredibly close to Paul after the run-in with the Volturi, and the pair had married when I was ten. I looked seventeen at that time, too. Leah had decided she wanted to age, as did Paul when they fell in love with each other. Neither of them imprinted; and Leah found that after a couple of years of growing again (from not turning into her wolf form), her normal menstruation picked back up. I remembered Jacob telling me that she was thrilled by it. It did take her a while, however, to fall pregnant. And Samira actually made Leah mellow a little.

I noticed that Samira was getting pretty tall; she looked a lot like Leah, only more beautiful. Her dark, dead straight hair hung down to her waist; she noticed me looking at her and gave me an adoring smile.

"Leah, dear, would you run upstairs to the spare room and grab my veil, please?" Sue said, noticing that Leah had taken to sitting on the floor like a small child. I thought of something... that spare room that used to belong to my mother was now quite often where Samira slept when she stayed; on the rare occasion I stay myself, and I sleep in that room, too.

"Sure, mom," Leah groaned, slowly getting up. She dawdled upstairs.

"Samira? You remember Renesmee, don't you?" Sue questioned the young girl.

"Yes, I do," Samira replied in a friendly tone.

"She's family now," Sue smiled. "Or she will be, in a few hours."

"Okay, Nanna," Samira grinned. Then she stepped toward me and gave me a hug. "Welcome!" she added.

"Thanks, Samira!" I smiled. Leah thumped her way sluggishly down the stairs, carrying the beautiful veil.

"I can't wait until this day's over so I can cut off all this annoying hair!" Leah complained.

"Oh, Leah, you look gorgeous with long hair!" Sue complimented. "I love it!"

"Yeah, whatever, mom," Leah moaned. "Paul hates it, too. I'm gonna get mine and Sammy's cut."

"Please don't cut all of your daughter's hair off, honey," Sue demanded.

"Oh, not off, mom," Leah explained. "I just want it trimmed to be a little shorter. Mid-back, maybe?"

"That will look nice," I interrupted. Leah gave me an odd look, and I retreated.

Mom, Alice and Rosalie had all taken off to hunt; I chose to act normal and eat human food, though only things I wanted to. Leah had taken to raiding Charlie's fridge, and Samira was getting her straight hair curled. Curls, as I noticed, were in fashion. I had demanded that my hair would not be straightened for anything. Leah was very loving to her daughter; when Samira asked for a drink, Leah retrieved a juice box from the refridgerator and gave her a light kiss when she handed it to her. Samira wrapped her arms around her mother tightly; it was a beautiful sight. Leah Clearwater had a heart.

When Samira's hair was done, she took to playing with a wooden dollhouse in the corner. Leah reluctantly sat down for her hair to be done. I was beginning to get bored; I went upstairs to raid through mom's old room. The old computer still sat there on the aging desk. The bed had a handmade linen set on it... pink, for Samira. The rocking chair in the corner had a beautiful, large teddy bear sitting on it. I looked at it close to see that Samira's birthday, weight, length, etc were sewn onto its jacket. A smaller, pink faded bear sat in front of it. The jacket read "Renesmee Carlie Cullen... my first grandchild." I felt tears welling in my eyes as I read my birthdate, my weight, length,etc. I never knew that Grandpa Charlie had this. I could smell my mother's scent on it as I picked it up; mom had given it to him at one stage.

I saw that there were several pictures up here of my mother when she was human. She was beautiful, even before. I saw my brown eyes on her face; she had never shown me these before.

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