The Life Of A Teenage Half-Vampire Part 48

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After shopping for a few hours and chatting about the excitements of our lives, we all headed off to a small café for some lunch. The eight of us huddled around two tables that we had pushed together so that we could still talk. The conversation had come to me and how I was going with Isabelle.

"So, Nessie," Abbey asked, grinning. "How's your daughter going? Isabelle, isn't it?"

"Yeah, Isabelle," I smiled. "She's fantastic. She's almost one now."

"Time flies so fast!" Rhiannon said, shocked. "I still remember when you were pregnant! And then... when you went off to have her. Jake was so worried about you... I'm sure he hated being away from you."

"Ha, I highly doubt it, Rhi," I sighed. "Jacob and I haven't been together for almost a year, you know."

I received a few stunned looks. Clare hid her face.

"You didn't tell them?!" I snapped, looking at Clare's guilty face.

"I'm sorry, Ness," she admitted sheepishly. "I just... didn't know if you wanted people to know."

"Of course I do!" I shouted. "It's a little awkward when people come up to me asking how my husband's going. I haven't been married for eleven months!"

"Okay, I see your point," Clare muttered glumly.

"So the rumour that Isabelle isn't Jacob's daughter is just that? A rumour?" Kristi asked shyly.

"Yeah, that's a rumour," I said, wondering why I'd never heard that one before. "I did date someone else for a while, but... it ended briefly. Which sucks, you know... because I loved him, too."

"After you had Izzie?" Rhiannon asked eagerly.

I nodded.

"Cody's hot!" Clare exclaimed. "I wish you two had kissed and made up. Looks like you won't get to now before you move."

"You're moving away?" Rhiannon scoffed. "Sweet! Where to?"

"Alaska," I smiled.

"College?" Maddeleine asked, smiling weakly.

"Yeah, but my family's moving there, too," I lied. "My mom and dad have lived there for the last year. I miss them," I lied again.

"Your sister, Bella," Rhiannon began, grinning. "She's so beautiful! I saw her shopping the other day, and I thought she was you! I walked up to her, and she introduced herself as your sister. Dead giveaway, too. You look just like her!"

"You should see her mother!" Clare squealed. "They're like twins!"

If I could have reached Clare, I would have slapped her hard. She was giving a part of my secret away.

"Not quite," I muttered sheepishly.

"Izzie looks like you, though," Abbey smiled. "Apart from her dark Quileute hair. But from what I've seen of your family, good looks run right through it."

I smiled at the sweet compliment. Though she was vastly known for her gossiping all through school, Abbey was truly a sweet person. I had never taken the time to get to know her properly, but I guess now was as good a time as ever.

"So does she walk?" Sky asked shyly. She had hardly spoken all day.

"Yeah, and she talks," I smiled proudly. "She's pretty advanced."

"Aww, when can we meet her?" Abbey asked excitedly.

"Maybe tomorrow?" I asked them all. I got a round of smiles from all of them.

"Can't wait!" Sky exclaimed. "She sounds so adorable!"

"If she's like her mother, she will be beautiful," Miley added. She hadn't spoken for a while.

"So... where are we going to meet tomorrow, Nessie?" Clare asked anxiously. "We could meet at my place? Tyler's going with Quil and Mira to San Francisco to meet Mira's sister Eliza, so I'm totally free."

"You must miss that little guy when they take him away like that," Abbey said sadly.

"I do," Clare said sadly. "But... Quil is his father. I can't deny him the time he wants to spend with his son."

"I wish it were that easy with Jacob," I sighed. "But Jake wants me and Izzie for good, and it's not what I want. At all!"

"What do you want, Renesmee?" Maddeleine asked, showing some interest.

I thought for a moment. The answer was there, but was I ready to share it.

"Cody," I said simply. Turns out I was ready to share it.

We finished our lunch on the discussion of men. Abbey had a boyfriend all through high school... Joseph Sanders. They were still together, but Abbey had fears he wasn't ready for committment. At all. And that scared her. I gave her a helpful tip that I had hoped she would consider; propose to him. She laughed at first, but something told me that the thought had already crossed her mind.

Miley and Sky were both shy, but Sky's new boyfriend was from an imprint by wolf Harry. He was sweet, and I opted not to tell her about my bad experience with the wolves and imprinting. I could see that Clare had done the same, too. It was bad enough for us... I didn't want to scare Sky. Miley didn't have a boyfriend, but she had her eyes on a few guys from La Push.

Maddeleine also didn't have a boyfriend, but that was because she chased away any guys that hit on her. I think she was afriaif of committment, the thought of her being into girls crossed my mind repeatedly. Rhiannon had been with her boyfriend Chris for almost two years, and they were engaged. I fought the urge to tell her marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be; you truly have to experience it for yourself.

As for Kristi... well, she was into girls. She didn't hide it, but I think she also struggled to talk about it. I wondered if she was truly swinging one way, or she would go for either sides of the team. I didn't judge her either way.

Life was too short for them to be judged by me. I knew that, of all people.

As the day drew closer to an end, we drove to the La Push beach to watch the sun set. It was amazing; I had spent a perfect day absorbing some of the aspects I loved about Forks. I loved my friends... I had made so many new friends just today. People I knew, but never really had gotten to know. As we parted, I knew that I would have to see these friends of mine again. Preferrably before they aged.

I would miss Clare so much. She looked glowingly beautiful today; I couldn't deny that she looked much happier than the last time I saw her. It made me feel acomplished, knowing that I would be leaving soon.

Just five days.

I headed home after my amazing day, anxious to see my daughter. She was my life... my love.

And she would be waiting for me.

I had great friends, amazing family, and a perfect daughter. What more did I need?

I had only one void in my heart... one that could only be filled by a man.

I curiously wondered how long the void would be that way, until I could fill it. My heart sank as I thought about it.

I had eternity to find someone.

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