The Life Of A Teenage Half-Vampire Part 30

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As dad left to see Carlisle, mom and I huddled up in my bed. I was trying to comprehend what had just happened... the Clare I knew wouldn't do anything like that. I felt like everyone I knew as good friends were changing into strangers I didn't know or understand. First, there was Quil, who I always knew to love Clare and no-one else; he left her for Mira. Then, Jacob, who was always loving to me, became distant before revealing that he was in love with my mother... and always had been. Now Clare.

I didn't fully understand the motives behind Clare's sudden stupidity. She always loved Tyler, and I never thought she would send him to live with his dad. He was almost a year old... how could she do that to him? And she never drank before... ever! Plus, who was this Lawson guy? I hadn't heard of any new wolves.

Mom soothed my tears of pure stress, and slowly I drifted back off to sleep. Tomorrow, I would be taking a trip to the beach with Cody, Isabelle, Hallie and Kate. I would need all the energy I could get.


I awoke in the morning to my mom's touch. I jumped; occasionally, the coldness of her skin startled me. Usually when I wasn't expecting it. Dad was out in the kitchen, cooking some breakfast. I could smell bacon...

"Mom?" I moaned, half-awake. She kissed my forehead lightly.

"Charlie rang," mom announced. "He's coming with Isabelle soon. Said he had a ball spending the night with his great-granddaughter. I thought I should get you up and ready."

"Oh," I groaned. "I gotta go to the beach..."

I hadn't been to the La Push beach since I was with Jacob. It felt a little odd.

"Your dad's making some breakfast," mom smiled.

"What happened with Clare?" I asked, sitting up.

"Carlisle took her to the hospital," mom said, frowning. "She's fine, and so is her baby. I'm surprised... she was pretty drunk."

"It's so unlike her," I said dully.

"I know," mom agreed. "I can't believe how much she's changed... and not for any good reasons! Her mother's pretty disappointed in her... threw her out to teach her a life lesson."

"You talked to her?" I asked, startled.

"Yes," mom said softly. "She rang me this morning, looking for Clare. I told her where she was... she didn't know about Lawson. She thought that Clare had been with Quil again. Something about a threesome..."

I frowned in disgust, but something occured to me.

"It's a lie..." I gasped.

"What is, baby?" mom asked, frowning.

"Lawson... she made him up," I explained. "She's still... sleeping with Quil. And... Oh, God! At my party, the three of them stuck together. Clare HATED Mira, so why would she talk to her. Unless, she was getting something out of it, too. She barely acknowledged me... the baby''s Quil's... I know for a fact that Mira can't have children; she had ovarian cancer when she was thirteen. She had to have a hysterectomy."

"So you're saying..." mom said, slightly confused by my blabbering.

"Clare would still get to have sex with Quil if she agreed to conceive a child for them," I explained. "She's carrying a child that she's gonna give to them... she's living with them! Quil's not just with Mira... he's with Clare, too. They're a threesome! And... Clare's the mediator."

"They're using her to have a baby," mom finalised.

"Exactly," I replied. "Clare doesn't see that they're using her, though. She thinks... he still loves her."

"So why wouldn't she tell you the truth?" mom asked. "And why would she lie about being engaged to some guy who doesn't exist?"

"Because she doesn't trust me anymore," I explained. "She only trusts them."

"They've brainwashed her?" mom asked curtly.

"Pretty much," I said. "And she loves Quil that much, she fell for it."

"So what happens when she has the baby, and they ditch her?" mom asked.

"I'm not sure," I said sadly. "It won't be pretty, though. I'm thinking she started to realise that, already. Why else would she drink so much?"

"She wanted to miscarry," mom gasped.

"Exactly," I said, thinking about how much I now felt sorry for her.

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