The Life Of A Teenage Half-Vampire Part 10

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Chapter Nine... Clare Half Way

Jacob and I snuck back to the wedding, and my parents hadn't noticed I'd left. I struggled not to think about what I'd just done, or where I had gone, as my father hung around me. Jacob did the same; but I prayed that neither of us thought so much as a kiss, or a touch. I didn't want to face the embarassing sex talk if they ever found out. Though they know it's bound to happen...

After a while, Charlie and Sue left for their honeymoon. An exhausted Leah cuddled Samira tight to her; Samira was sound asleep. Paul decided to take his wife and daughter home to bed, and Seth followed them. Seth and his new girlfriend Amanda had spent almost the entire reception sitting right by the food. Seth ate a lot, and Amanda refused to leave his side. I laughed when I'd come back from my little adventure and saw they were still in the exact spot they were as I left. I was getting tired myself; mom and dad decided to get me home to sleep. Renee, Phil and Kayla were all staying at the Cullen house, in dad's old room. They had left the wedding early, after Kayla felt ill.

We arrived home at our cottage. I slowly slumped off to my bed. My parents would be able to smell the scent of Jacob here, and I tried desperately to avoid them for when they did. As I lay in bed, I thought of tonight, and smiled as my mind filled with beautiful dreams and I drifted off to sleep...

It was four weeks now after the wedding. Jacob and I had began planning our own wedding, though we were in no hurry. There were advantages to being immortal; we had forever to marry. My parents, as suspected, knew that I had snuck back here with Jacob the night of Charlie and Sue's wedding, and I was gievn the 'we conceived you and didn't know we could... don't think it won't happen to you' speech. I went bright red as my parents both told me about contraceptives, even though I already knew.

Charlie was coming to visit this morning with some news. My parents had made me dress nicely, so whatever was going on they knew about. I was getting slightly nervous... Jacob was supposed to visit this morning, but he wasn't. Mom wouldn't tell me why, and I don't think she knew either. As I could smell Charlie's scent, my mother and I sat, both nervously, on the lounge. Dad started pacing; I think he wanted to tell us, but he couldn't.

Charlie walked through the door, and dad sat down next to me; I was getting even more nervous now... was something wrong with Jacob? My father looked hard at the wall as Charlie sat down on the seat adjacent to us.

"Hello, Bella," Charlie said softly. "Renesmee, Edward..."

"Hi, dad," mom replied. "What's going on?" I was too anxious to speak. I let dad know this, and he shook his head slowly. I think he knew I was worried about Jacob.

"Billy was admitted to the hospital last night with a case of pneumonia," Charlie said slowly. "He was really sick. He died early hours this morning..." Charlie had tears in his eyes; Billy was a longtime friend of his.

"Oh, no," mom gasped. Tears formed in my eyes.

"Where's Jake?" I questioned quietly.

"At his house," Charlie replied. "He wanted to tell you, but he's pretty upset. He just wants to be alone today, Ness. He kinda begged me to tell you not to go over there."

I didn't understand.

"Why?" I asked. "I thought he'd want company. Nobody needs to be alone after losing a parent."

"He's got Rachel and Rebecca there," Charlie explained. "Even the girls have told their husbands to stay away. They just want a day to remember their father. Remember, they've lost their mother too." I nodded, though I really didn't want to obey.

I slumped off to my room alone. My parents wanted a moment alone with Charlie. I changed into something more comfortable, and decided to go visit Clare. She'd stopped coming to school, so I wanted to make sure she was alright. I slipped into my Beetle and travelled to Port Angeles. Clare was working there at a bookstore, so I offered to meet her for lunch.

Clare looked the same, other than her swollen belly. She was around five months pregnant now, but she looked stunning anyway. She got excited when she saw me, and walked quickly toward me.

"Ness!" she shouted, hugging me. Her belly dug into mine, and her baby kicked. It felt odd.

"Hey, it kicked me!" I giggled.

"Yeah, he's pretty much a bad-ass," she replied.

"He?" I asked.

"Yeah, found out yesterday," she smiled. "I can't think of a name for him, though..."

"Did you hear that Billy Black died last night?" I asked Clare. She looked sad when I mentioned it.

"Yeah, Emily rang me this morning," she said sadly. "I cried for a while. I have considered naming the baby William, but I don't know..."

"have you spoken to Quil lately?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Umm... not since Charlie's wedding, no," she replied. I frowned.

"So is he still with Mira?" I scowled. We both hated Mira...

"Yeah," she sighed. "But me and the baby are probably better off for it," she added, though I knew she wasn't sure.

"You're still gonna be my maid of honour, aren't you?" I changed the subject again.

"Yeah, as long as I'm not carrying this baby still!" Clare laughed loudly.

"So how's your Aunt Kayla going?" she asked randomly.

"She's alright," I replied. "She's coming to stay in the holidays. Or so she says. As long as she doesn't mind sleeping at Charlie's house with me."

"Why Charlie's?" Clare asked.

"I'm staying there for a few nights with Jake," I explained. "Charlie and Sue are going overseas with Leah, Paul and Samira. I'm housesitting... or Jake is, but I'm staying there for privacy," I giggled childishly.

"Oh," Clare whispered. "Nice!"

"Haha, yeah," I replied.

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