Prologue- Scarlet Elizabeth Jones

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"Scarlet there's someone at the door for you!" i heard my mom yell from dowstairs. I get up off my bed and rush downstairs to see who could be wanting to see me; as I'm not exactly 'popular' at school. Once I reach the bottom I look up and see an old man who looks around 90 at least. He has a long white beard that reaches his stomach, glasses and he is wearing a strange robe with a pointed hat on top. I look over at my mom with a raised eyebrow before looking back at the man.

"Um hello, who are you?" I ask; the man smiles warmly at me before answering

"I am Albus Dumbleore; I know you don't know me but I am here to tell you about your past life" My eyes widened; how did he know.

"What?" was all I could say; I mean it's not everyday that some random dude shows up on your doorstep knowing that you're adopted.

Here, let me intoduce myself; My name is Scarlet Elizabeth Jones; I have black hair, green eyes and pale skin. My parents names are Mary and Joe Smith. Since birth I have been through many foster homes; the one I am currently staying at is the longest I've been in. In the past I've gone though about 7 or 8 foster homes; they all gave up on me because I was...different. Now I can't explain why but let's just say I've done some pretty crazy stuff as a kid.
I looked up realizing that I was daydreaming as usual

"How do you know about my past?" I ask

"Because I knew your real parents" Dumbledore replied; I opened my mouth but no words formed.

"Now I need you to listen to me; It's going to be hard to believe but just trust me" then Dumbledore began to tell me the start of my parents; how they went to some school called Hogwarts and they learnt magic there and soon after got married.

"You're out of your mind! There's no such thing as magic!" My mother exclaims

"How dare you fill my child's head with lies!" Dumbledore ignored her and looked over at me

"Have you ever experienced something happen that you can't explain? something you know you did but you know no one would believe?" my eyes widened once more at the thought; my mother looked at me in suprise when I didn't deny it.

"Well...there was this one time" I began; my mother raised her eye brow at me as I continued

"When I was 9 there were these group of boys who were picking on a puppy with only three legs. They were throwing rocks at it and I don't know what happened. One minute they were throwing rocks and the next minute they were in the ai upsidedown. I quickly grabbed the dog and ran away; I don't know if they ever came down" I replied; mother's mouth was open as Dumbleore smiled and nodded.

"Well there's a school that can help you control it; the school where yuor parents went too. Hogwarts" He handed me a letter that had an H stamped in the middle. I opened up the letter and began to rad it out loud.

Dear Mrs. Jones,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Whichcraft and Wizardry.
Please note that the latest you can reply is July 31st; school will be stating on September 1st and the Train will leave at 11am sharp. under this note you will find everything that you will be needing for school; everything you see you will be able to find at Diagon Ally.
1 Wand
1 Caldren
1 First year Charms
1 First year Magical Creatures
1 First year Potions
1 First year Transfiguration
1 First year DATA
1 Cat, Toad or Owl

Thank you for your time; we hope to see you this year
A. Dumbledore
M. McGonagall

I looked up at Dumbledore and my mom and smiled widely

"Can I go mom? please!" i begged; she frowned at me before looking at Dumbledore.

"She'll be there all year?" she asks; he nods in response.

"Yes but she will be able to visit during holidays and you are able to write to her as well" he replies

"And I'll be able to experience what my biological parents did; please mom?" she frowns at me before sighing and smiling at me.

"Go pack your bags" I squeal; suddenly my mom gasps. I look at her weirdly before seeing that a strand of my normal black hair is now yellow. Dumbledore smiles

"I see your a Metamorphmagus"

"A what?" I ask, my hair turning back to black but still having a few strands of yellow in it.

"A Metamorphmagus, it's someone who can change their hair colour or even the way they look based on their mood" he chuckles. I gasp

"That's awesome" I reply before running up the stairs

"I should pack" I say to myself

"Don't forget to write often!" I hear my mother yell as I continue to pack.

I chuckled before nodding my head to myself
"Don't worry mom I will!"



Yellow- Happy
Green- Annoyed
Orange- excited
Pink/Purple- Love
Red- Mad
White- Scared
Brown- Disgusted
Grey- Tired
Black- Normal
Blue- Sad
Embarrassed- Hazel  

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