may i have this dance (bb)

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if you love me wont you let me know

y/n's pov-
the SHIELD new years party had always stressed me out. what do i wear? how do i style myself? do i need a date? can i drink or is that unprofessional? this year was no different. it was my sixth new years being an agent of SHIELD and my third as an avenger. i'd decided o wear a tight black dress, something my colleagues wouldn't usually see me in. i paired it with some black heels. for my makeup, id gone for a dramatic smokey eye look with a nude lip and then id softly curled my h/c hair. it fell beautifully, framing my face perfectly. i looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. that will do i guess i thought to myself. i grabbed my purse and headed out the door.
when i arrived to the venue (Stark Tower), natasha was waiting to welcome me in. i gave her a hug. "you look beautiful" i smiled and it was true- she did. her red hair was curled impeccably, with no hair out of place and nat was just naturally gorgeous. "look at you! god y/n, you must drive all the guys crazy!" she winked at me, smirking. i shook my head in disbelief and then walked in. i was instantly greeted by bruce and tony, talking about something to do with science that i'm simply not genius enough for. i made a beeline for the bar, deciding that this was my one night off from being professional. ordering my drink, i looked outside. the stars were so beautiful and from the top of the tower you could see them in all their glory. i grabbed my drink and walked onto the balcony, admiring the sky.

buckys pov-
she looked beautiful. the dress, the hair, the smile. the definition of gorgeous. i watched her giggle as tony made some kind of sly comment, likely about one of the guests. her smile lit up the room, her happiness was contagious. i stood in the corner of the room alone while she was the life of the party. i walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. my brown hair was still limp and damp and my all black suit made me look slightly more presentable. i splashed my face with water. come on buck, this isn't like you i thought to myself. i walked back out into the party, remaining on the outskirts for the most part. eventually i began craving a drink so i quickly made my way over to the bar. natasha stood behind it. "tequila on the rocks please" i sighed. "rough night?" she asked as she prepared it. i shook my head but inside i wanted to spill all my feelings. "ask her to dance" nat replied, pouring my drink into a glass. "sorry?" i asked, taken aback. "i said, ask her to dance. you've been staring at her all night barnes. not exactly subtle" she smirked. i groaned. "did she notice?" i asked, internally screaming. "no. just me, i think..." she trailed off. i freaked out. "BARNES! i'm joking, no she didn't notice. i did. and i'm telling you to ask her to dance" natasha continued to push. "what if she says no? what then?" i bit my lip anxiously. "then she says no. but she wont, trust me on that one" she raised her eyebrows and nodded in y/n's direction. i turned and looked at her, she'd sat down outside and was staring up at the stars- alone. i took a deep breath, grabbed my drink and walked towards her. come on buck. you can do this, this isn't the first time you've asked a girl to dance. snap out of this. i attempted to reassure myself. it was true, it wasn't the first time but every other time it was different. i was a ladies man back in the day, trying to get with as many women as possible but with y/n it was different. i liked her, truly liked her. i couldn't mess this up. "hey" i blushed. "hello buck, how are you?"

y/n's pov-
i smiled as bucky approached me. "i'm- i'm good thanks. you?" he stuttered nervously. i nodded towards the area next to me, signalling for him to join me. "i'm okay, parties aren't really my thing. i'm a bit... awkward though i'm sure you've noticed that" i chuckled. "not from where i'm standing, you seem to enjoy it. everyone loves you" he blushed, settling into the conversation slightly. "i wouldn't say loves. more like moderately tolerates. i never really know what to say to people, i guess they can just laugh it off" i shrugged. it was true- i was insanely awkward around other people. i always messed up my words or didn't say anything at all, something always made me seem like i hadn't left my house in six years. i was surprised they hadn't just stopped inviting me. "the sky is so interesting. its crazy that we've barely touched the surface of whats out there. it just goes on and on, where does it end? and the stars are so beautiful. its fascinating" i sighed happily. out of the corner of my eye, i could see buck staring at me intently, almost as if he was admiring me. i turned to him and blushed softly. he took a step towards me, leaning in so i could feel his warm breath on my face. "you look beautiful tonight" he murmured softly. adrenaline pumped through my veins. "not too shabby yourself barnes" i winked. he took my hand in his and twirled it around, kissing the top of it. "may i have this dance     y/n?" he asked, slightly apprehensive. i placed my hands on his waist and shoulder. "it would be my pleasure" i grinned cheekily. so there we danced, under the light of the stars as our worlds melted away.
feel like we needed a happy imagine and bucky deserves all the happiness in the world. hope you enjoyed.

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