the french revolution

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a/n- this is an au set in the time of the french revolution- i know it feels strange to write about heroes in a villainous way but i think this should be fun

my stomach growled aggressively, the hunger churning in the depths of my body. starvation was prevalent all around me, returning with vengeance after the period of peace. i envisaged the feast we ate on the night when king louis and marie atoinette were overthrown. fruit, pastries, meat, bread. every food i could ever imagine on a table in front of me. then once again, it was all ripped away. the present king was no better than the last but deep within me, shadowed by the relentless hunger and weakness, was a sense of hope- hope for the revolution to arise. i looked around me, sacks of flesh and bone, no longer people, sitting around. children ate the hard, baked mud to satisfy the torture of starvation. others lay dead in the streets, no friends or family strong enough to bury them. flies buzzed around their corpses, flitting to and fro. the stench of sweat was evident, the burning sun beating down onto my back. out of no where, shouts arose. from around the corner a group of men and boys came racing. i recognised the faces instantly. samuel wilson, pietro maximoff and clint barton accompanied by my brother peter parker. my parents were lost during the first revolution and peter and i were taken in by a group, the group planning the next revolution. i raced towards them, my worn shoes clicking against the cobblestones. "y/n! y/n! steven and james! they've captured the aristocrats! we need to go to the town square now!" pietro yelled, grabbing my hand and holding it tightly. i barely had time to process the information. steven and james, or steve and bucky as we called them, were the best soldiers within the rebels but this was the first time anyone had managed to capture any wealthy people. "y/n! we must go! sam thinks they've got them at the guillotine" peter, my senior by 10 months clapped, eyeing pietros hand in mine suspiciously. i rolled my eyes at him and we began our journey. we raced through the streets, gathering people as we went. "get to the town square! everyone go to the square!" sam and clint shepherded people along. when we finally reached the square, i gasped. chaos flooded the town. carriages were laying on their sides, burning with intense orange flames, the horses trampled people in the crowds. my eyes scanned the square, finally resting on steve and bucky. i ran to them. "steve! bucky! whats going on?" i shouted over the screams of the growing crowd. steve wrapped his arms around me in an attempt to calm me down. "everything will be fine y/n, find peter and pietro. don't leave their side. we will join you later but if we don't make it back, do not come back for us. you promise?" he kissed my forehead. "promises are made to be broken!" i screeched, for once doing as i was told. steve was like my father, extremely protective but loved me dearly. bucky patted him on the back jokingly. "y/n? what happened? are you okay?" pietro clutched me into his chest. "yes piet, i'm fine. its steve and buck i'm worried about. they've got the brothers, sir stark and lady romanoff..." i trailed off. if the cavalry arrived, steve and bucky wouldn't be able to escape. they would be killed for treason. "banner... doctor banner would have helped them. thats how they've captured the rich bastards!" peter laughed excitedly. "peter, don't use such language!" sam arrived behind us, but nodded his head in agreement. "all we can do now is watch" clint sighed. doctor banner was the spark of the revolution. he helped the rebels gain information, provided us with weapons and made sure we had a place to prepare our plans. the brothers, sir stark and lady romanoff on the other hand were the kind of rich people the rebels wanted to take down. the brothers, thor and loki, were distant cousins of the king and believed themselves to be royalty. they trampled on the poor and even shot us dead in the street. lady romanoff was a widow who took over her husbands business and treated the workers horrifically. and sir stark was the worst of them all. he condoned the massacre of thousands of french because they had hope. they deserved everything. the drums played, the people cheered and you could hear the snap of the necks. the deep orange hair of lady romanoff, matted with blood, was thrown into the crowd. bucky held up sir starks head in triumph. we were winning. suddenly shouts arose. screams of agony and fear echoed around the square. i froze, my eyes moving straight to where steve stood. general james rhodes marched into the square, guns aimed at steve and bucky upon the stage. steve dropped the head and it rolled until it hit the floor with a loud thud. his hands rose into the air. "STEVEN ROGERS AND JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES YOU ARE SENTENCED TO EXECUTION FOR TREASON" he bellowed as the crowd began to disperse. with a final burst of courage, i sped towards the stage, jumping in front of steve as the gun sounded. i felt a searing pain in my chest, instantly dropping to the floor. i heard peter scream. steve dropped to his knees beside me. "no. no, no, no, no, no. why would you do that? you silly, silly child. why would you do that? i had it under control, everything was fine y/n. why, why would you do that?" he murmured, stroking my forehead. "sshh, sshh now. listen to me. look after peter please, help pietro stay strong and promise me, PROMISE ME that you will continue the revolution. let the children in the generations to come feast like kings, let the women wear silk and the men have silver. let the people be free. sam, clint, pietro, dr bruce, bucky, peter. long live the revolution!" i uttered my last words. with eyes blurred with tears, my head lulled back as i stared at the sun, taking my final breath. "long- long live the... revolution"
this is kind of inspired by the revolution in LES MISERABLES but i love this au. this is UNEDITED so if there are any mistakes im sorry

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