hatred-smut (pm)

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a/n - first smut dont judge ya nasty kids.
it had been almost a year since i'd joined the avengers, the best year of my life so far. not only did i feel fulfilled by saving lives and helping people around the world but i'd also found a place where i was surrounded by people who understood me better than anyone else ever could. i'd been a weird kid, never really fit in anywhere, but the avengers became my family; and boy was i glad. there was only one problem- pietro maximoff. we couldn't seem to agree on anything- from missions to meals, he always found some way to argue with me. his arrogance and cockiness drove me insane, to the point where i would try to leave any room he walked into. the one time we were forced to interact was tonys monthly parties that he threw mainly to show off. this particular evening was one of the biggest bashes yet and i wasn't particularly looking forward to it.
when i arrived, on time thanks to natasha and wanda helping me get ready, everyone was already ridiculously drunk. i made a beeline for the bar, spotting nat behind. "jesus nat, what have you been serving them? is there anyone here who's not out of it?" i chuckled, sitting on the stool. "first of all, this is not my fault. thors been serving everyone weird asgardian alcohol, even steves hammered and he cant get drunk. and yes, pietro, you and i are completely sober" she winked. i groaned. "looks like i'm going to be behind the bar with you all night. there is no way i'm getting lost in that pack of wild animals" i nodded to our usually sensible team mates- now dancing around doing the conga. "why dont you go have a chat with pietro? you can bond over your soberness and maybe become less hostile towards each other" she prompted. i pouted, contemplating the idea. "you know what, screw it. let me go have a chat" i laughed as she poured me a drink. "good luck," she said whilst passing it to me. "you'll need it."
i spotted pietro across the room, leant up against the wall. he looked insanely bored and not in the most jovial mood. maybe this was a bad idea i thought carefully. i took a confident swig of my drink and sauntered over to him. "hey pietro. whats up?" i asked, smiling at him. he gave me a strange look and ignored my question, pressing his back further into the wall- if that was even possible. oh good lord. "everyone is so drunk, i genuinely think we're the only sober ones" i laughed, attempting to salvage whatever pride hadn't already been flushed away. "not for long" he muttered, nodding to the drink in my hand. i twittered awkwardly. "so... how are you?" i repeated. "im fantastic y/n! thanks for asking!" he waved his hands sarcastically and turned away. "are you...okay?" believe it or not i was concerned about him. "yes, y/n! i was perfectly fine before you came over, to what taunt me? what do you want? just leave me alone!" he frowned at me aggressively. watching him stare at me, i snapped. "you know what pietro, fuck you! i hate you! ever since i joined the team i've made an effort with you, trying to be nice and if not possible be civil but you make it impossible. you argue with me over everything and make my life at the tower miserable as best you can. i don't understand, what did i do wrong? i tried so hard maximoff but i cant do it anymore. so fuck you, pietro. fuck you!" i spat, the anger inside me bubbling over. he looked at me, almost surprised. his lips were pressed into an impatient line and his eyebrows furrowed. my emotions got the better of me, watching his body tense further. i pushed closer to him as i ranted, letting out all my frustrations. the rest of the party paid no attention to us but i couldn't stop once i'd started. all of a sudden, i felt a pair of lips on mine. to my upmost surprise, pietro was kissing me, passionately and extremely demanding. my hatred morphed into sexual frustration. he pulled away again, smirking. there was no visible sign of regret on his face. i groaned and grabbed his shirt, pulling his lips back to mine. twisting so i was against the wall, he pinned my hands against the wall and my hips rutted into his. his lips moved to my neck and i moaned loudly. "what was that darling? i thought you hated me?" he smirked, letting my hands go free and roaming the rest of my body. "jump" he whispered, nibbling on my ear. i did as i was told and within milliseconds he had dropped me on his bed. "someones eager" i winked, finally an opportunity to tease him. he knelt down to kiss me once again, his lips soft and plump. gathering all my strength, i flipped him so i was straddling him, and began grinding against his crotch, earning a few quiet moans. my fingers trailed down his chiseled chest to the waist band of his pants. he cursed, pulling against the hem of my shirt to signal for me to take it off. obeying, my lips reconnected with his neck, mumbling "needy" with each kiss. undoing his shirt buttons, i left little butterfly kisses down his stomach. "thats enough" he growled, regaining control so i was on my back. soon, all our clothes were gone and i lay naked beneath him. he swiped a finger along my folds and i groaned in pleasure. "pietro" i gave him a warning look. with a smirk of acknowledgement, i felt his lips on my clit. he sucked softly, pushing his fingers through my slit and curling them. i moaned loudly, my legs shaking as he licked circles around my bud. planting kisses across my heat, i could feel him smirk at the pleasure he was providing me with. continuing to scissor his fingers, he pulled his pants down to reveal his bright blue boxers- and a huge bulge. he pulled his fingers away and i whimpered at the loss of contact but soon enough his digits were replaced with his throbbing cock, pulsating against my pussy. he teased me incessantly, adoring the continuous string of curse words falling from my lips until i couldn't take it anymore. "pietro-" i cut myself off, trying to save myself the humility. "what was that darling? were you going to beg for me?" he chuckled, enjoying this way too much. i shook my head, my cheeks flushing pink. "beg for me princess" he said, his eyes darkening with lust. i whimpered. "please pietro. please fuck me" i moaned like my life depended on it and without a second thought, pietro slammed into me. my screams bounced off the walls as he thrust again, not giving me any time to adjust to his size. pain was replaced with pleasure as i cursed again and again. "shit- pietro- fuck fuck" i grumbled as he gripped my hips tightly, no doubt leaving marks. my fists formed in embarrassment at how wet i was. his hips rutted against mine once more in a punishing rhythm. "do you like this darling? has anyone ever fucked you this good?" he smirked, watching me quiver beneath him. i gasped loudly as he pulled me up to him, our foreheads resting against each other. "answer me darling" he moved his hand to my clit once more, rubbing in circles. "god pietro yes. i'm so close!" i screamed at the top of my lungs. he chuckled at my neediness and with a few more thrusts, i came all over him. collapsing onto the bed, he wrapped his arm around my waist. "i'm sorry i made you feel the way you did, i didn't know how to tell you i liked you and i thought my feelings would go away" he blushed, being honest for the first time. "god i hate you... i like you too you idiot. thats why i was pissed. at least now..." i trailed off. "at least now you've had the best sex of your life!" he grinned cockily. i punched his arm playfully but cuddled up to him.
i don't even want to think about this, let alone reread it so if there are any mistakes let me know. not sure how this is but enjoy you freaks.

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