never anyone more perfect (th)

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i hummed to myself softly. the waves crashed against the rocks, sending plumes of salty water into the air. the breeze ruffled my hair, whispering sweet nothings in my ear, the cold air clawing at the back of my throat. my eyes rested on the skyline, the burning sun setting onto the sea. hues of pink, orange and yellow reflected off the water, shimmering like a diamond. it sent all the memories flooding back.

"its beautiful" i gasped, my eyes lingering on the sunset. the sand was soft beneath my feet. tom, my boyfriend, span me around as i admired the view. "not as beautiful as you" he winked. i punched him playfully. "that, my dear, was cheesy" i giggled. he sighed. "not as cheesy as what i'm about to do" his eyes were bright, shining with anticipation. he clasped my hand and bent down on one knee. adrenaline pumped through my body. i squealed, my grin widening further. "y/n, you are the love of my life. when i first met you, i knew that you were the one. when i first said i love you, i knew i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. from making me pancakes that look like smiley faces to helping me tie my tie before meetings, there will never be anyone more perfect for me than you. i love you and i want to share my days with you forever" he choked back tears. "will you marry me?" he cried. "yes! yes! a million times yes! sweetie, get up from the sand, you're ruining your nice trousers. oh i love you!" i flung my arms around him and he squeezed me tightly.

"mummy, look!" a cry sounded from behind me. our 3 year old son, tommy, held up a sea shell. "come here tommo, let mama see!" i laughed as he pottered towards me. i knelt down next to him. "pretty! pretty like mummy!" he yelled, his little smile melting my heart. i watched him play in the sand whilst i scrolled through my phone. "mummy? why are you crying?" tommy asked, caressing my head gently. "i'm just so happy baby. i love you, happy birthday!" i sobbed, holding him close to my chest. my eyes focused on the phone screen.
three years since tom holland lost his life in a fatal car accident. the spiderman star was rammed by a van whilst his wife gave birth in hospital.
i sobbed again quietly. there will never be anyone more perfect for me than you. i stared into tommys eyes, deep hazel like his fathers. "mama loves you, daddy loves you" i kissed his nose. "daddy loves you so much"
need to stop making myself cry, grab the tissues

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