ghost (sr)

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i sat on the bed, tears streaming down my face. they dropped softly onto my pillow, leaving silvery streaks where they fell. a quiet cry echoed around my room. a soft knock sounded through the door. "come in" i sniffed as a head poked around the door. "steve?" i snivelled. "hey, hey there. sshh. don't cry" he soothed, making his way towards me and settling next to me on the bed. gently, he pressed his hand to my cheek and wiped away a tear. "none of this is your fault, you cant blame yourself" he kissed my forehead and smiled. "i love you, everything's going to be fine. you'll be okay" he closed his hand around mine. i shook my head, speechless, as the water works began again. the muscles in my chin trembled like a childs, my hands shaking like a leaf. a soft sob escaped my mouth and i clapped a hand over my mouth to silence it. "y/n... there was nothing you could have done darling, i-" he began but my anger bubbled over. "no! steve, stop pretending! this is all my fault! if id just listened to you... i thought i knew best and now you're de-" i screeched. bucky ran through the door and steve disappeared from in front of me. "hey, hey there. sshh don't cry" he raced to my side, repeating what steve had just said. "steve? steve! steve where did you go!" i screamed, pushing against buckys grip as he wrapped his arms around me. "STEVE! STEVE!" i repeated his name like a demented mantra, ripping my hair out with confusion. "y/n, steve's not here. steve's gone. he's dead"
welcome to the next instalment of spideyuh makes herself cry!

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