spin the bottle

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ive done this seperately instead of together because it makes it more intimate i think, so read the character you prefer (or all if you want)

"you're joking right?" i laughed hysterically. i watched tonys face stay hard and stony. "you're serious? nope. not going to happen" i sighed. yet again, it was my night off and tony was attempting to convince me to play games with him and the other avengers. i'd joined the group around a year and a half ago, thanks to my impeccable skills in combat, and every weekend tony cooked up a new plan for the team to have fun. so far i'd tried not to participate in any of these so called games, because most of the time they were sexual. "aw. don't be such a baby y/n. i thought you'd be the fun one, you're just a scaredy cat" tony stuck out his bottom lip like a toddler. he knew i hated being called a coward. this is a trap. this is a trap. i repeated to myself. "fine i'll play. i ain't no chicken" i said, instantly regretting the decision. tony laughed, clapping excitedly, and then shouted. "everyone to the living room now! y/n's decided to finally play a game!". i heard the footsteps racing down the stairs. here we go. i groaned. what have you started? when i reached the living room, most of the team were sat down, staring at me intently. i spotted steve, bucky, wanda, pietro, natasha, tony, clint, bruce, peter, thor and loki. i sat down in between tony and steve. "so what are we playing?" i sighed. "drumroll please!" tony slammed his hands on the table and then produced a beer bottle from behind his back. "SPIN THE BOTTLE!" he cried. i groaned again. "you agreed to play" clint smirked and i rolled my eyes at him. "should y/n be playing this game? shes only young" thor frowned. i ignored the comment and took a deep breath. "lets just get this over with, i'll go first" i stated bravely. there were a lot of surprised faces, not expecting me to be so upfront. i gripped the bottle in my hand and spun it hard. i watched as it went round, almost hypnotising us as we waited to see who i would land on. as the bottle came to a stop i looked up to see who it'd landed on.

"spangles himself!" tony clapped, his face priceless. steve blushed incessantly, not entirely sure what to do. i knew i'd have to make the first move. i inched closer to him until our faces were almost touching. "thirty seconds. go!" clint smirked. "you okay with this?" i asked to make sure. he answered by crashing his lips onto mine with surprising passion. i closed my eyes and the rest of the world melted away. our lips moved in unison, our tongues battled for dominance. i ran my fingers through steves dirty blonde hair, moaning softly as he gripped my waist. "10...9...8" i heard the echo of the team counting down. when they came to one, we both pulled back, breathless. "that was..." i started. steve finished my sentence. "amazing" he winked. i hadn't expected that from steve who was usually such a gentleman but the 90 year old virgin pulled through.

my stomach filled with butterflies. "manchurian candidate, you're up" clint snickered. bucky gave him a look of death and then his icy blue eyes fell on me. he looked confident so i let him make the move. he cupped my face with his hand and smashed his lips onto mine. our lips fit together like two puzzle pieces, moving as one. he grabbed my ass with his free, metal hand and pulled me in, closer to his chest. i pressed my hand against his toned stomach, feeling his muscles bulge through his shirt. the kiss was fiery and passionate yet needy and warm. as the group finished counting, we pulled apart but i rested my head on buckys shoulder. "we should do that more often" he winked, hiding his shyness with a layer of fake confidence. i smiled, nodding. "okay love birds break it up!"

"my boy! this is your time to shine, don't mess it up!" tony clapped. "i mean its his first time being that close to a girl so, don't put pressure on the poor kid" steve grimaced. he meant it kindly, but the group erupted into laughter. "are you sure you're okay with this pete?" i asked softly. he was one of my best friends in the tower because we were so close in age, and if he really hadn't had his first kiss yet, i didn't want to take that from him at the hands of a silly game. truth be told, i found peter adorable and was excited that the bottle landed on him but i needed to make sure it was okay with him first. he nodded enthusiastically. as the gap between us closed, i could sense peters anticipation. "do we need to shorten the time? thor said earlier, they are just kids" nat sighed. i glared at her aggressively and she dropped it. "okay, okay. thirty seconds on the clock. ready, set-" before tony could finish, peter pressed his lips onto mine, caressing my face gently. he wrapped his arm tightly around my waist and pulled me closer. his lips were soft and warm, full of want and need. i flung my arms around his neck, pushing our bodies closer together, if that was even possible. a light tap on my ass and a moan allowed him to slip his tongue into my mouth. our tongues battled for dominance but i eventually let him win. i could hear the team counting in the background but i was hypnotised by peters expertise. he ran his fingers through my hair, refusing to let me go. the group shouted one and we pulled back, taking a breath. "what. the. f-" tony started. "LANGUAGE" steve slapped his leg. "where did that come from?" natasha frowned at us. we just laughed at all their questions and i noticed peter slip his hand into mine, not letting go. as the game went on, we slipped away...

"you're about to make out with a god. any last words y/n?" tony snickered loudly. "yeah ha ha" i laughed sarcastically. the god was at least twice my size and towered over me; thank god (pun not intended) we were seated. "um- lady y/n? do i just? how do i?" thor blushed. "you. kiss. her." clint mocked. thor glared at him and then turned to me again. i was blushing a bright shade of pink. "thirty seconds, if you cant do it then let us know" tony winked. that was it, i could do this. tonys comment was the motivation i needed. i pressed my lips against thors and he kissed back, softly at first but slowly, he became needier and greedier. he placed his hand on my hip, closing the remaining distance between us. i ran my hands through his long, golden locks, resting my arms on his muscly shoulders. he swiped his tongue across my bottom lip, most likely tasting the vanilla lipgloss i'd applied just minutes ago. thor pulled me onto his lap, his strength showing. i arched my back into his broad chest, feeling him grow beneath me. i smirked into the kiss. as the countdown came to a close, we finished and pulled back for a breath. "m'lady" he chuckled, blushing.

i don't particularly like this and how it turned out but oh well. i did get lazy towards the end sorryyyyy

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