avenge me (sr)

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if you loved me, why'd you leave me

the missions were getting tougher each time we went out. ever since the avengers were established as "protectors of the world" or "earths mightiest heroes" more and more problems seemed to arise. its not that i didn't enjoy saving the world daily, i just preferred for people to me as me, y/n the girl from new york, not the crazed HYDRA experiment gone wrong. nick fury seized me after my HYDRA base was destroyed and at first he, like everyone, saw me as a weapon of mass destruction but soon enough i guess he thought i could be a help. i can manipulate minds and energy with a flick of my finger. so i became an avenger.
"y/n? you awake?" tony stark leant over me. i gasped and then sighed. "i am now. how did you get in?" i groaned as he sat on the side of my bed. "remember that i control this entire building?" he gave me a 'bitch please i'm tony stark' look. "FRIDAY never let tony into my room again" i grinned at him in triumph. "you know i can just override- that doesn't matter. i've got a mission for you! okay so its you, point break, spangles and yours truly. its just a basic hostage mission, get in and get them out. no biggy. go get your hubby and tell him to get ready" tony skipped out of my room. "that man" i cursed under my breath. by hubby, he meant my boyfriend steve rogers, captain america or 'spangles'. interesting nicknames were tonys thing, unfortunately for the rest of us. i knocked softly on steves door. "morning sleepyhead" i chuckled, ruffling his hair like a child. he smiled at me shaking his head. out of the blue, he grabbed me and pulled me onto the bed, tickling me relentlessly. "STEVE... I CANT... BREATHE" i laughed, screaming. "okay lovebirds. i told you to tell him we had a mission y/n." tony gave me an odd look. steve stopped tickling me and kissed my head. "okay metal man we'll be ready soon" steve smirked. "nicknames are my thing capsicle" tony winked and then walked out. this was going to be a long day.
"erm steve, i think this is a bit more than a simple hostage mission. have you seen these guys?" i shouted down the comm to my team members. we were fighting mutants and all sorts of weird things. "this is definitely HYDRA. anything you can help us with       y/n?" tony called. "sorry no, this is new" i frowned, punching my way through a group. eventually i made my way to where the hostages were supposedly being held. i walked into an empty room. it was dark apart from a single spotlight in the centre of the room. i walked towards it. "i was hoping for someone a bit more important but you'll do" a deep and raspy voice boomed around the room. i turned around, quick on my feet and ready to fight. i was too slow. i felt a sharp jab of agony sear through my stomach. i gasped in pain, looking down to see a metal object passed through my body. as the metal passed through me you could hear the flesh tearing. the object twisted inside of me making me scream. i sank to my knees with an agonised roar, convulsing like a rabid animal. a pool of deep red blood formed on the ground around me. "steve?" i whispered, the only word i could utter caused me extreme distress. i couldn't stand the pain for much longer. i placed my hand on the wound, feeling the object lodged inside me. merely touching it made me howl. "y/n? y/n where are you? oh my-" i heard steve behind me. "no steve. d-don't come" i whimpered, fearing for his life. a creature slunk behind him. "steve" i nodded behind him, blood still pouring out of the gaping wound. steve whirled around, punching and kicking the thing- his anger showing with every hit. finally, he hit it on the head with his shield and ran over to me. "steve i-i'm sorry. i failed the m-mission" i murmured through sobs. "hey, hey look at me. theres nothing to be sorry for. you're fine, tony's on his way and we can get you home okay" steves words were clearly for his own reassurance. i just shook my head. "steve" i breathed softly. "i don't think i'm going to be home for dinner tonight." i tried to lighten the mood as hardened tears streamed down steves face in continuous silvery streaks. my body trembled as my lungs struggled to inhale air. "come on honey, keep fighting not long now. i'll get your favourite for dinner, i promise!" steve cried. i inhaled deeply, my skin icy cold. death wasn't beautiful or peaceful, not like in stories. it was painful, leaving the people i loved. "i love you steve, always and forever. my hero, my captain. avenge me" i spluttered my last words as i bled out on the floor. i reached up, placing my hand on his face. as i breathed once last time, my hand fell to my side. never to move again.
sorry this was awful. the storyline seemed better in my head but oh well. leave requests here.

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